I haven't seen this many zombie's running around since the release of Left4Dead2 .... And some of these should have stayed that way (ie Left4Dead) ...
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I haven't seen this many zombie's running around since the release of Left4Dead2 .... And some of these should have stayed that way (ie Left4Dead) ...
no kidding, isn't necro thread bumps against the guidelines?
some people are just taking this WAY too far. you know who you are.
I've necro'ed four threads that I thought were helpful or that added to the community spirit. That was after some consideration, and that's also where I've chosen to stop.
Hopefully people don't go too crazy resurrecting things.
I was wondering the same thing.
This happens every time we announce that we're pruning the forums. We always see people bumping threads that really don't quite fit the guidelines.
The community guidelines against bumping are still in effect and those who have taken the opportunity to just wantonly necro anything and everything usually find out that we tend to delete those threads first. ;)
I haven't necro'd any threads today but this sounds a lot like censorship based on personal or company line opinion. Not acceptable to silence someone because you don't agree with them. House keeping for a visit from the WB inlaws?
However, if you were to say we are going to delete EVERYTHING on these forums as of 0200 Zulu except for the hall of fames and guides, that would be a whole other thing, which I would cheer on. Also if you were to say, this particular thread is using excess bandwith, which is costing us money, which is going to cause us to raise the price of the next expansion by .07 Cents... that would be acceptable also. (all those pictures of baacon and Lolcatz eat up a lot of bandwidth)
Valid reasons are fine but censorship and its ilk make me pull out my Don't Tread on Me flag and eye suspiciously. /Rabble, /RabbleRabble. But then again, I think I may be a conservative nutjob. I've come to terms with that.
It's not about some sooper seekrit plot to censor the masses of Turbine haters. It's about freeing up wasted space on the server. There are so many completely useless threads just sitting around, taking up room that have no value, but they weren't deleted or locked because they may not have broken any rules (or just managed to stay under the radar).
You're making a mountain out of a molehill with this censorship nonsense.
To build on Ayrolen's point, this is also not the first time the forums have been pruned. Pruning is a normal part of online forum communities, much like getting rid of your high-waisted polyester pants from the 70's. Those will never be cool again, and old threads with little lasting value to the community will not be much missed, while the space gained in the proverbial closet will be helpful indeed.
I would auto-prune any thread bumped by the person who started it.
Based on the quality of some of the threads being bumped, I'm starting to agree with those who said we shouldn't announce, just prune. :(
Seriously, bumping meaningless posts is counter productive. But, since it's leading to making me read them all, I thought it might be good to point out that as long as a post is active, it can be infracted. ;) Pruning helps delete evidence. Just sayin'...
Can you get infracted for something you were previously infracted for? :eek:
Would that be an...infractal?
(Seriously though, I feel confident that the reasoning for my necro is sound)
This was too good not to share, while browsing google images.
It is a little disturbing.
Oh my, and even a Perfectly Pruned Lotto to go with it! :D:eek:
Once upon a time I used to get upset knowing that those thousands patented Walls 'O Text that I would painstakingly write on the Forums in my boredom would be lost to posterity. Seriously, I could have written 8 or 10 novels instead of posting on the Forums! And novels don't get purged outside of every thousand years or so.
Alas, now that we have My.LOTRO.com, I can just CTRL+C them to ensure that at least the noteworthy ones will remain for my own amusement.
At this point, I don't see why Turbine doesn't prune on a more frequent basis and without warning. Granted, it's quite nice and polite of them to give advance warning, but it really shouldn't be necessary.
I wonder if this thread will get necroed in a year after they doing another pruning.
It's only censorship if someone cannot post more. Deleting past complaints has absolutely zero impact on current or future complaints. I've said it before - if any company wanted to silence dissent, the worst thing they could do is not only provide a discussion board, but also personal blogs.
Bumping this thread for Left4Dead3
Funny thing is, I think if some of the people (not all) that are complaining that their thread may be deleted took the time to read their own words, they might be thankful for the impunity.
Now, if they really want to do a service to those of us happy with the game, perhaps they could bring back some of the posts from each expansion and update that declares the game is doomed. Maybe point to the threads that declared several of the games that were to eclipse LoTR and even WoW that have come and gone.
Oh, and we could have a hall of fame of players that declared the LT sub to be not worth it and too risky in 2007 that are still playing now.
The funniest one I saw was someone bump their own thread they made a long time ago about why they're not going to be playing anymore. lol