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Thanks for reading! Don't forget to reply to this post for your chance to win 500, we will pick a winner next Thursday afternoon.
Ma trusty bagpipes!
My elvish barrels.
A One Ring replica to mess with Bilbo's head
Six empty bags, Hobbits DO the gift giving on their birthdays.
Well, I'd bring Noldorin mathoms, of course! As any High Elf Bard would :)
my pickax of course
The LOTRO Points I win.
A barrel of fine pipe-weed!
My best wishes,
Why, Pie!!! What else??
Fireworks. Lots and lots of fireworks.
Obviously, I'm bringing the Ultimate Carrot Cake!
A multi-coloured inflatable of Gandalf.
Stories!! Lots of stories from my travels I've learned along the way, along with a few of my own. :)
"What to bring? What to bring? Well, after much deliberation I have decided the best thing a good elf could bring to a birthday party is some of those birthday candles that keep reigniting so that you can't blow them out. Kind of like fireworks for the cake. I think Gandalf would be envious of them. I will nonchalantly pass by the kitchen and switch all the real wax candles for the reigniting sparkler birthday cake candles. Just watch old Bilbo and Frodo try to blow them out. Along with those, I will, of course, bring a few bulging purses filled with only the best Shire-grown pipeweed, some of which we won't mention the effects but suffice it to say they will blow you away! Here is to a good time for all.
Dale Man's Crams.... still have a ton to get rid of, maybe the Hobbitses will like them!
A Hobbit-sized appetite!
i would bring Lobelia Baggins just to see if she would give Bilbo back the one spoon he missed when he caught her trying to steal the spoons . We all know she got at least one :)
Empty hands, empty stomach and feet eager for dancing.... all my own. (I dont mean to bring them in a sack or anything)
It's almost time to celebrate Bilbo & Frodo's Birthday! What are you bringing to the party?
As many fireworks as I can find.
500 LOTRO Points
Less than half of what I'd hoped for.
Lots of food and ale.
I'm bringing My Orc friends for a party of our own!
Butter, scraped across too much bread.
Gold Hobbit Present
It's almost time to celebrate Bilbo & Frodo's Birthday! What are you bringing to the party?
Hobbit feet
Contrary to any plans for fun I might have made, I have been informed that I will be bringing the Missus.
A barrel of good Old Toby. Bilbo & Frodo must miss them!
Nothing. I'm not invited.
I will bring pipe-weed to make everyone feel better and a barrel of honey for taste
My finest birthday suit.
a nice bundle of lembas bread, that should last the hobbits for a few hours
My cheery disposition
Dwarven tiger-striped Speedos and a lamp-shade. :)
A Beorning's wrath...
Everyone in Middle Earth, after all it is nearly the fourth age and what better way to bring in a new era than a huge party for ALL!
Gariel maegnaith Gil-Galad,
Thôl palangennin, ann-vegil;
A giliath arnoediad
I will bring my laptop so I can play Lotro :)
gollum as my +1
Delicious Barrow-brie Cheese Cake!
Athelas salve, in case anyone gets hurt or sunburned.
A ravenous hunger.
A positive attitude and an unquenchable thirst!
Oh, and BEER!
It's almost time to celebrate Bilbo & Frodo's Birthday! What are you bringing to the party?
A lot of questions for Bilbo friends...
Sergio :-)
A certain dagger wants to go.
read some chapters from Bilbo's red book
What brought they from the foundered land
Over the flowing sea?
Seven stars and seven stones
And one white tree.
I'm going to bring a replica of the Ring and I'm bringing my friend Gollum. (MY PRECIOUS!!!)
Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy.
A pint (well maybe several) of Thistlebelly Brew from the Ivy Bush in Hobbiton.
a set of silverware to replace the ones that Lobelia Sackville-Baggins stole.
In addition to myself I think I should like to bring Olive Yew.
A Sassy attitude.
A cold fish (for Lobelia).
I think the Hobbits will have food and drinks covered, so the best I could bring are some stories and my dancing' shoes.
Happy Birthday!
A stout walking stick, the better to offer my companionship when Bilbo sneaks away for his journey.
All the magic mushrooms I collected during Farmer's Faire, and a dwarf in a barrel.
A pie crust... I ate the filling on the road from Erebor!
Ale-association pranks and Inn-league deliveries.
I was going to say Dalemen's Crams, lots and lots of them, but someone beat me to it. Same with 500 Lotro Points.
So, I'll bring my hobbit sized appetite! Perfect. :)
I'll bring the pie.
A magic ring
I'm bringing half of the presents as I should like; and they are less than half as good as they deserve.
My CAKE-TOPPER!! ...There might even be a Ring baked into it. :rolleyes:
A Holly Hornblower pie. Hopefully it isn't a spoiled pie!
Probably just me...I find most gifts go underappreciated.
My winning personality and potato salad.
How old is Bilbo now?
The blessings of Elves, Men and all Free Folk...…….AND MY AXE!
It's almost time to celebrate Bilbo & Frodo's Birthday! What are you bringing to the party?
The life of the party! That would be me and my Lute!
Longbottom leaf and fireworks!
Happy birthday Bilbo & Frodo!
Fireworks (not for use inside tents)
Bring nothing -> Take 5 seconds to bake a honey-cake -> Everyone enjoy!
I'm an elf, so lembas :)
What will I be bringing to the Baggin's Birthday?
Why, Ronald Dwale's pipe and some Wizard's Fire pipeweed, of course!
Food for sure! ;)
I shall bring meat for the fire. And furs to sit upon.
A great thirst for life and a smile.
A spoon.
A keg of ale!
Basket of Barrow-brie cheese!
A pie, baked in an oven heated by fireworks.
How? Who knows, probably a Took creation though.
A small golden ring
crag! and wine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks for the lotro points!!!!!!!!!!
A bottle of Brandywine.
Bilbo's buttons I found in Golem's cave!
Blood, sweat & tears! No, wait, those are for defending Gondor.
I will bring empty stomach, nice gift and big smile :D
A book. Intention is to read with him..