First of all I would like to dedicate this thread to Sandiotech.
This thread is for all of those people who are tired of reading the same things repeated over and over. It is designed to give you a bit of everything the LOTRO forums have to offer in funny kitteh macros.
This thread is intended to honor my friend Sandiotech and his ever present good humor and levelheaded-ness (did I just make that word up?), anyway I hope it is enjoyable and I am looking forward to expanding upon it over time. Feel free to post your own creations or take mine for posting in this and other forums as you see fit. Please keep my tag on them though, because although I snagged the pics from all over the web, I captioned them all by myself! Weeeeeeee!
O.K. So down to business...
Recently we had a Dev chat and there have been several threads pop up discussing the chat itself as well as points which were discussed therin. I will summerize it here for you:
Turbine says they knows we lieks the 12 man raids and iz making moars!
Also sumudy asked about stuffs Turbine will add in the futures, liek nu areas and nu classes and moar character slots. Tubine said they is busy making moar areas and they dunno about nu classes really and if they made dem we would getz moar character slots. They wouldnt say what areas or if dere are nu classes because dey is afeard of the dreaded:
Now you knows that sumbudy always askes about dis: