LoreMasters say there was a stealth nerf to Blinding Flash...
LoreMasters say there was a stealth nerf to Blinding Flash...
Last edited by Snow_blind; Mar 12 2008 at 03:00 PM.
Tinwe Morimaite - Elven Hunter - "And the Light of Aman shone in his face"
Tarlach of Dale - Human Captain - "Now for wrath!"
"We are the Content"
[B][I][COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]I survived the DREAD effect.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
'If I'm ever grouped with an RK an I think he's out DPSing me, I'll Ebbing Ire on to him. Take that lorebreaker! Behold the wrath of Tolkien!'- Harumph
been there done that have the screen shotlol nice pictures of late!
Kin Website:[url]http://middle-earthexplorers.guildportal.com[/url]
I want to thank the techies who came in on sunday and fixed the database issues fast. Nevertheless, I can't let a good LoLsubject slip by like that
And lastly, have a Happy and Safe St. Patricks Day!
brilliantthis thread never disappoints!
*Sapience stuff deleted*
My name is Norman. I am a cat. I believe that, in the previous posts, we cats have been given a bad name. I suspect that the above mentioned cats may be mildly brain damaged as we do not all talk like we are illiterate and/or 3 year old human children. Most of us, understand English fairly well and speak it quite fluently. (When you are not around) The gibberish presented in this thread is clearly the product of some female with an extreme cat fetish and way too much time on her hands. Being a cat of at least average intelligence, all but the most minute amount of what has been said in this thread escapes me. Please, carry on with your fun. I just wanted to alert those who did not know, that we cats are not that....illiterate for lack of a better word. So please, remember that before you poo on our name any more than you have to.
For my brethren who are being misrepresented, meow meow meow meow. Meeeeeeeoooooowww reeeeow meow. Purrrr meow, meow purr meowwww. Rise up brothers and sisters.
Thank you.
LVL 35 Hunter
LVL 50 Mouser
Don't hate, appreciate! (even fileplanet.com advertises in kitteh pidgen check out there home page right now)
Nope sorry if I have a fetish you can ask anyone its a panda thing.What me being female has to do with anything I don't know... unless it's just because we are better in general. Bwahahaha
Last edited by Melissaissim; Mar 18 2008 at 07:35 PM.
Skorp, HNT - Tailor | Skorpling, BRN - Wesponsmith
Ambein, Human LRM - Scholar | Skorpedo, WDN - Woodworker | Lengram, RNK - Jeweller
Eruchin - Formerly of Nimrodel Server | Current Arkenstoner
It's time for me to reintroduce the LOLynxes, I see:
And theres even a programming language based on LoLspeak: http://lolcode.com/ With Eclipse plug-ins and everything! What can be more based on reality than that?
Last edited by Des1; Mar 19 2008 at 03:36 PM.
Last edited by skorpion352; Mar 19 2008 at 07:27 PM.
Skorp, HNT - Tailor | Skorpling, BRN - Wesponsmith
Ambein, Human LRM - Scholar | Skorpedo, WDN - Woodworker | Lengram, RNK - Jeweller
Eruchin - Formerly of Nimrodel Server | Current Arkenstoner
more to come later
Skorp, HNT - Tailor | Skorpling, BRN - Wesponsmith
Ambein, Human LRM - Scholar | Skorpedo, WDN - Woodworker | Lengram, RNK - Jeweller
Eruchin - Formerly of Nimrodel Server | Current Arkenstoner
'If I'm ever grouped with an RK an I think he's out DPSing me, I'll Ebbing Ire on to him. Take that lorebreaker! Behold the wrath of Tolkien!'- Harumph
Last edited by skorpion352; Mar 19 2008 at 08:15 PM.
Skorp, HNT - Tailor | Skorpling, BRN - Wesponsmith
Ambein, Human LRM - Scholar | Skorpedo, WDN - Woodworker | Lengram, RNK - Jeweller
Eruchin - Formerly of Nimrodel Server | Current Arkenstoner
OMG I loves the new kittehs... I'll be back with moar forums summerizashuns soon. I had a sick kiddo to takes care of but iz bettah nao.![]()
<removed by author>
Last edited by Caelven; Jun 19 2008 at 07:51 AM.
"[I][URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Against_the_Day"]Against the Day[/URL][/I] is the foreign land for which [URL="http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/59839"]Pancake Bunny[/URL] is the soggy photocopy of a postcard." [COLOR="darkslategray"] - [B]WTFBooks[/B] an occasional book review series, 2 lines max, on Landroval glff[/COLOR]
Some bonehead teacher in CA wanted to make Ebonics a part of her English class. Just because someone does it does not make it right, reality or intelligent.
I understand it is cute and fun. Sadly, people are using it in every day life. I love the fact that some teachers are good and smart enough to start failing people in English for writing like this. With no punctuation, question marks thrown wherever they might look pretty, words mixed up, too, two and to confused, and phonetic spelling of everything...I can't understand half of what people say in OOC anymore. And if someone asks me what dat is, I tell them it is Digital Audio Tape. I happen to like English and it pains me to see it being killed by people taking 'fun' seriously.
Besides, it was Norman who begged me to say something in his honor. I won't let him use my PC and he's not old enough to get a job and earn the money for his own.
Dear Fun Killer,
Is it painful to you to watch others having fun? Does the fact that I am easily amused offend? Would it shock you to know that I am responsible for the marketing material for the company that I work for? Are you surprised that my way with words and my ability to convey ideas in written, oral and indeed macro or meme* format is partly responsible for paying my bills? [As a side note, I do have other sundry duties. The titles of Head Geek and Goddess of Servers would be appropriate. Not to mention that my ninja abilities are sometimes used for political assassinations.] Is it not interesting that the marketing jargon used above specifically relates to the types of cultural evolution which this thread represents? Are you impressed that thus far all my question marks are in their proper place? Your inference that my silly thread has a negative affect on the English language is laughable. I should suggest that you recall that the English language has evolved and will continue to evolve. However, I highly doubt that l3et speak or kitteh pidgin embodies the English of the future. It is entirely possible that a phrase or two will make its way into popular culture (beyond net culture) and stick around for a few years. "DO NOT WANT" is featured on T-shirts from thinkgeek.com, but I digress. May I extrapolate here, that the fact things are misspelled is what makes it funny, and if it was not funny no one would read it? If others had not read it, laughed and asked for more, then you good sir would not have read it either. Therefore, you would not have had the chance to appreciate my ability to use proper grammar and punctuation. As a result, this thread would have even less meaning than it does currently. Now that I have got all that off my chest I will continue with the purpose of this thread, making people laugh (or at least smile). Unfortunately, your posts did not do either for me...
*meme: (pron. 'meem') A contagious idea that replicates like a virus, passed on from mind to mind. Memes function the same way genes and viruses do, propagating through communication networks and face-to-face contact between people. The root of the word "memetics," a field of study which postulates that the meme is the basic unit of cultural evolution. Examples of memes include melodies, icons, fashion statements and phrases.
Last edited by Melissaissim; Mar 20 2008 at 02:24 PM. Reason: Time for reappearance of grammzors do not want