Drezze - Lvl 50 Champ
Dezz - Lvl 50 Burg
heres a couple pics of me
Me and my little newphew
Drezze - Lvl 50 Champ
Dezz - Lvl 50 Burg
heres a couple pics of me
Me and my little newphew
Dinuil: Elf Champ | Muzbak:Warg R4| I always win. Even when I lose, I'll win. For if I lose, I'll know how I lost, why I lost, and what it was that I lost--a victory in and of itself. J Kuper
[SIZE=4][I][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red][B]Pretzel[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][FONT=Palatino Linotype]: [COLOR=LemonChiffon]R5 Kamikaze Reaver, Tyrant of Brandywine
[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/I][/SIZE][COLOR=PaleGreen][COLOR=White][COLOR=PaleGreen][I][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=LemonChiffon]
Dinuil: Elf Champ | Muzbak:Warg R4| I always win. Even when I lose, I'll win. For if I lose, I'll know how I lost, why I lost, and what it was that I lost--a victory in and of itself. J Kuper
I already posted this in another thread, but hereyas go..
me w/one of my little hatchlings:
and both of my hatchlings together....my wife is a photographer and she took this shot for holiday cards last year:
Nice pics, NidorI like that baby carrying sling you use in that first photo, but it should have the eye on it
For My BW Brethren or Those Who Love Stick Figures [url=http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=322130] 3 Years of Stick Art [/url]
R.I.P NIDOR (1970-2012): You shall be missed but never forgotten, thank you.
Nidor, I don't know if you realize this or not, but your daughter is a Ginga!
Bewbalicious Rank 7 BA | Deathlok Rank 7 Defiler | Skittlebum Rank 5 Warg | Bewb Rank 5 Weaver
Your little girl is gonna break hearts one day, Nidor. She's already got that subtle smile of "Yeah, you think I'm cute...you don't know about my 24 MAN RAID BEHIND THE ROCK IZ GONNA WTFPWN JOO HAHAHAHHAHA". Yeah, that's a future PvP'er.
[SIZE=4][I][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red][B]Pretzel[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][FONT=Palatino Linotype]: [COLOR=LemonChiffon]R5 Kamikaze Reaver, Tyrant of Brandywine
[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/I][/SIZE][COLOR=PaleGreen][COLOR=White][COLOR=PaleGreen][I][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=LemonChiffon]
Dinuil: Elf Champ | Muzbak:Warg R4| I always win. Even when I lose, I'll win. For if I lose, I'll know how I lost, why I lost, and what it was that I lost--a victory in and of itself. J Kuper
[SIZE=4][I][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red][B]Pretzel[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][FONT=Palatino Linotype]: [COLOR=LemonChiffon]R5 Kamikaze Reaver, Tyrant of Brandywine
[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/I][/SIZE][COLOR=PaleGreen][COLOR=White][COLOR=PaleGreen][I][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=LemonChiffon]
Dinuil: Elf Champ | Muzbak:Warg R4| I always win. Even when I lose, I'll win. For if I lose, I'll know how I lost, why I lost, and what it was that I lost--a victory in and of itself. J Kuper
Dangit!!!! 4 picture limit reached!!!
This is by far the best picture of me ever taken in the history of pictures of me...
A) I'm in the Caribbean on vacation...
B) We found a bowling alley...
C) They had a beverage service...
D) They dimmed the lights and flashed funky strobe lights and neon colors...
F) They started playing Caribbean hip-hop and dance music...
G) I had previously consumed copious amounts of Mojito beverage...
J) The picture speaks for itself.
Although.... this next picture is a close 2nd place in the history of greatest pictures ever taken of me...
It also involved...
A) Copious quantity of adult beverages consumed by me...
B) A beach...
C) A massive headache/sunburn approximately 4 hours later.
D) My wife using ultra-low-tech paintshop to spray in the lyrics of an O.A.R. song to capture the magic of the moment...
Now this next picture also captures the essence of all that is great in pictures of me...
A) Adult beverage was involved...
B) A dare was given...
C) An idiot accepted the dare...
D) Said idiot was only allowed (by his wife, the nurse) to perform the dare if said idiot agreed to wear a life saving device (note: life-jacket being worn by idiot) while attempting dare...
F) Said idiot puts twist on the dare and choses to perform the now infamous "flying squirrel" maneuver off the limb of a tree some 50 feet above, and subsequently into the river below.
Last edited by lordsterling; Apr 25 2008 at 10:16 PM.
[color=gold]~[/color][color=cyan][font=tempus sans itc][size=4]Yuurei Bigstiffy[/font][/size][/color][color=gold]~[/color][b][color=green][b][size=2]50 Burglar R5[/b][/size][/color][/b]
[color=yellow]~[/color][color=red][size=3][font=tempus sans itc][b]Glennlox Redsage[/b][/size][/font][/color][color=yellow]~[/color][color=purple][b][size=2]50 Lore-master R5[/b][/color][/size]
[url=http://www.lotro-tome.com][color=gold][font=tempus sans itc][size=2][i]Templars of Middle Earth Kin[/i][/color][/size][/url][size=3][color=orange][i] Brandywine.[/i][/size][/color]
[color=orange][size=3][b]Beta Founder[/color][/b][/font][/size]
We have a lot of new players around here and some vets of the forum who have not posted...get to posting peeps, let's see our fellow gamers!
(Shameless Bump)
For My BW Brethren or Those Who Love Stick Figures [url=http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=322130] 3 Years of Stick Art [/url]
R.I.P NIDOR (1970-2012): You shall be missed but never forgotten, thank you.
[I]LOTRO has drink and smoke, this kill people. Eat corn is healthy. If you are Nobgobbler you can be most healthy too.[/I] - WNxNomos
[I]You just made me punch my own face! That's how angry ganking makes me. I punch myself in my own face![/I] - hex2323
Lugscar sans Hair......and I can't believe I'm posting this.
[B][COLOR=#ffa500]Valinor has gained a friend in Nidor while Middle Earth has lost him as a treasure.[/COLOR]
Lugscar - Rank 8 Warg. Former founder of Savage Fangs. Currently retired.
Hi Chizziebaby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
Currently spending my time being fabulous in the real world...but a piece of my heart will always be in Middle Earth
Kinship: Lord of the Onion Rings kinship
Freeps | Miesha r8 65 Hunter | Nubbycake r4 65 LM | Rummblebelly 65 Burg | Petya 65 Warden |
Sparxz 65 RK | Gorodetsky 64 Champ |
Creeps | Azgoth r6 Warg BW | Agros r5 Weaver BW |