I had just started playing and done the first epic quests in the Ered Luin; so it was time to move on. The next place to go was the Shire, and so I wandered down to the gate, entered a new place, walked along a narrow valley, came through the first village, crossed the Rushock Bog, traveled on a road with little walls on either side, then the landscape suddenly opened, and I broke into tears.
It was the most beautiful likeness of a piece of land that I know very well, because I grew up there - at its eastern edge, but minus the horrible retribution of the farmland that they did to it in the 1970's. All the old big trees were still standing there, casting their shadows in the hot sun, protecting the little roads which have been bearing the weight of so many carts for hundreds of years. It was even more home than my own home.
To understand what I mean, look at these pictures.
The Kraichgau's valleys are wider than those of the Shire, but only a bit. And the name 'Kraichgau' actually means, Shire of the River Kraich. Peter Jackson could well have found here what he searched for in New Zealand. Well, the people here don't speak English, unfortunately. But we have a lot of framework houses, too.
Greetings, Polymachos