Jmez Warbringer The Warlord
Well I figured Since I was In on Pimpin on People for there Mugs On Creep Side I'd Toss mine in there
Oh yeah And My little Warg Baby Yogi Bear there on the Couch next to me He's Viscious! He's Got Lazer Beam Eyes that Stun Burgz On first Glance
Knalin 60 R7 Champ/ Knorgrim 48 R1 Guard/ KnalinU 20 Rk
Knorgash R7 BA/ GreenDotLeader R4 WL/ DeathStorm R4 RvR/ KnoBark AllBite R4 warg/Knorgazim R2 Def/ GenieaSaurusRex Unranked WvR
And The Beautiful Wife Who Hardly Plays Her Minnie Mandowyn
Last edited by knate007; Oct 16 2009 at 06:19 AM.
...um...he said he'd PM it, not post it to this thread, so I believe he already was taking his 'antics' elsewhere (to PMs).
Your choice of verbage smacks of that which you railed against Evil for.
@ Rangergirl
Nice pic! You are not scary at all....why is it every time I look upon you I find myself feared?I don't understand...
@ Knor.....
Cool, and Mandy is your wife? Even cooler that you all play together. She's a good mini, hope you don't hold it against me when I try to consume your wife for a late nite snack (try being the operative word...since she's no pushover mini)![]()
there was another minnie called mandowyn who used to play in the moors all the time but i think she went to meneldor with her bf bryion? not positive.
[COLOR="Silver"]Protector of Toft[/COLOR]
[COLOR="SandyBrown"]Umbril r4 Minstrel[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Unwyn r3 LM[/COLOR][COLOR="SlateGray"] [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Nautica baby burg![/COLOR] Paprikash r4 wargie[/COLOR][COLOR="Pink"] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Toft r5 WL[/COLOR][/COLOR]
WTB more pics of Vanette!
..for Prancey:
Ok sorry for sounding like a ****. I just don't want to see a friendly, cool thread devolve into silly video game arguments and get deleted. I have nothing against other video games. I play a bunch of different games myself (BF FTW!).
Jeffaman-Guarding Hobbit Jeffro-Burgling Hobbit Tinulaurien-Elf Lore Master Cephus-Champion of Men Lilnooblet-Hunting Hobbit Jeffrandir-Snooty Elf Rune-keeper- All of Brandywine
Long live the halflings! Praise them with great praise!
RIP Nidor - Brandywine's bravest warrior
She is that. Very nice person. Helpfull to a fault. Helped Honeybug and I with book 5 one day between helping other peoples. Youve got a marker with us rock star, anytime give us a shout.
@Nidor: I have been crited for 1,600 of sever finger waging dmg.
Bad enough you 2 have to double team me at the SOP,now you have to do it here too? /sigh.....Spiders.
Southpaws FTW!!
Nice pictures everyone.
Hah, w/one of us you'd just hips and run away. 2 dots made it more likely you'd get knocked out of stealth so you can be chased down and finished off (since you'd be able to remove 1 tk dot). IIRC you vanished 2 times, but we still were able to get you.
and you've never been a part of a group that has ganged up on a solo creep (myself included) w/superior numbers when they've been wandering around solo...![]()
It wasn't like I crowed about beating you anywhere when Evil and I hunted you down and killed you at SOP. Solo, I might make mention of the win as an accomplishment...you being outnumbered...meh...just another freep of many who died that night and not really worthy of mention because you were outnumbered. I don't really crow about wins where the freep is outnumbered.
also, silly burg, 1600 server finger wagging damage? weavers can't crit that high, DUH![]()
Sickofitall R11 Something with a sword and bad breath.
Dreyden R9 Girl Scout
Thankx Nidor It's prolly just that Creepy Drunk Tone Behind the Mic that Fears People Or maybe Just my Lack Of Couth
And As for ManDy She's Said thankx For the Compliment But It's Not the Mins Your Thinking About
She's MAN DOWYN (Man Down) <<< I laugh @ this everytime Cuz I helped Her Pick It Is possibly the Best Minnie Name Ever
The One you Are thinking Of Is Mandowynn She's Play In the Moors Or well Use to And On the Other Hand Mine Does Not she's to Scured To play PvP just Yet
think my best was 562 on some rk and was shocked to see that .
Twas on a Summoned root at the SoP, must have almost 0 mit's and armour
Most on a freep was 432 on a RK...
Anyway, BACK ON TOPIC. Moar pics, I want to know who I kill!
@ Nidor- I sitll want a good 1v1 with you yet! I know you will win with all of your spiderlings! I am the mini you consume on a regular basis in the Moors. Although long ago, back in the day, there was more than one Mandy running around these parts
@ Aksara- ahhh thank you! Warg Power.
@ Knuggs- If I was the Mandy who helped with book five your welcome anytime you need a healer just let me know!
@ Knorgash- I love the multiple Mandy's
@ Blackmagick- that is cool wonder if she plays too?
For all the free people that still protest, you're welcome, We protect you and you are protected by the best. Your voice is strong and loud, but who will fight for you? No one standing in your crowd.
I did NOT lie! I AM old!