Here I am channeling my best Achilles impression from the movie Troy at the Round 1 NAS tournament.
Here I am channeling my best Achilles impression from the movie Troy at the Round 1 NAS tournament.
It's been long enough, guess i can show myself finally.
Some Hunter Named Tulon
Some Warg Named Drooid
Some WarLeader Named WhatsThisButtonDo
[COLOR=#800080][B][SIZE=1]Second Marshall Adanelriel Willbreaker,[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#999999][B][SIZE=1] Mistress Over Fear[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#008000][B][SIZE=1] and lover of bog-lurkers[/SIZE][/B].[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#a52a2a][SIZE=1][B][SIZE=1]~Adan - Incendiary Expert[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
These show my first foray into photography. I drove 8 days/4500 miles from Rhode Island to California. I took over 1300 photos -- these are my favorites.
If anyone has advice/critiques I'd love to hear it - all taken with the iPhone 5S.
- Thotcriminal
[CENTER][I][SIZE=1](D)[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=3]after thought criminal element[/SIZE]
[B][I][U]time explained:[/U][/I][/B] [URL][/URL]
i like those boots look nice and worn in
Congratulations Cynfi!
Hey now don't be a hater. I was tired of driving and Utah has it's own very unique and rugged beauty. That sometimes looks like a wasteland![]()
(Retired... Maybe un-retired?) Arkenstone: Immanitas R12 Burg, Gorbat R12 Reaver, Sueahpro R11 Mini, Falsified R9 RK, -The Blood Hand
Crickhollow: Orphluk R9 Warg, Orphelun-1 R8 RK. -The Blood Hand.
It wasn't a sanctioned hiking area so no real name. Just a cool looking place I noticed off I-70 so I pulled off and hiked that gorge you can see in the background. But if I remember right it's almost directly north of Upheaval Dome but on I-70, And it's on the west side of the Green River I believe. But I'm not 100% on that.
(Retired... Maybe un-retired?) Arkenstone: Immanitas R12 Burg, Gorbat R12 Reaver, Sueahpro R11 Mini, Falsified R9 RK, -The Blood Hand
Crickhollow: Orphluk R9 Warg, Orphelun-1 R8 RK. -The Blood Hand.