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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Diseased Feebleness debuff

    While fighting Barrow-wardens in the Bree-land South Barrow Downs, I was debuffed with Diseased Feebleness, a two-minute curse. The debuff starts counting down from 1 min. 59 secs to 1 min. 54 seconds, then goes back to 1 min. 59 secs. in an infinite loop. Please fix.

    By the way, this is the absolute worst bug reporting utility I have ever experienced.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Diseased Feebleness debuff

    It's not a bug, you are standing in a poo

    When the spitting wight dies a "cloud of disease" covers the nearby area, if you stand in it you will get the disease debuff (we don't have curses in this game). If you don't move out of it you will be getting the debuff over and over which is why the cooldown resets.

    (And this is not where we report bugs either)
    Re-ni-AN-nen - strayed (ppt. of renia- 'to stray')
    Aeled Reniannen, Defender of Middle-earth ~ Nendhiniel, Forge-Warden : Captain and Wardenette from [EN-RP] Laurelin
    Fluffrash, Blade of Barashish ~ Nathraen, Conqueror of Towers : Warg Puppy and Spider Tailor from the darker side thereof
    Faradwen, Swift-Arrow : Huntress from [EN-RE] Landroval

    As if in answer there came from far away another note. Horns, horns, horns. In dark Mindolluin's sides they dimly echoed. Great horns of the North wildly blowing. Rohan had come at last.
    Kári was a little Dwarf. / Smaller than you or me. / And wherever Kári went / He took his axe… or three.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Diseased Feebleness debuff

    No, I do believe there is a bug with it. I have a kinmate who said he experienced the same thing and wasn't standing in anything, he was standing in Bree. He tried a potion and that didn't remove it either. He had been fighting in Haudh Iarchith, the Bree rep dungeon.

    The bug reporting thing where you type /bug ingame has been broken for a while now. It used to take you to a login page, then you'd log in, then you'd get the bug report page. Now you log in, and it takes you to the forums login page. The only way I can find to report a bug is to come to the actual forums and then go to http://forums.lotro.com/new_bug.php? as /bug doesn't seem to work anymore.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanmouse View Post
    While fighting Barrow-wardens in the Bree-land South Barrow Downs, I was debuffed with Diseased Feebleness, a two-minute curse. The debuff starts counting down from 1 min. 59 secs to 1 min. 54 seconds, then goes back to 1 min. 59 secs. in an infinite loop. Please fix.

    By the way, this is the absolute worst bug reporting utility I have ever experienced.
    Well, it is 2023 and this bug still exists. In case anyone runs into this posting: i had to debuffs, one was the above mentioned feebleness bug, and there was another that also caused disease and "cannot be cured". While that other one was one, the feebleness debuff kept cycling (and it is correct, none of the two can be removed by medicines). I ported to Bree and spent some time there. The debuffs were still one. Then i logged off, and right back on. This action removed the other uncurable permanent??? debuff (sorry i forgot the name already) and the feebleness debuff then quietly counted down and dissapeared. In brief: logg off and back on when you can and it will be gone.



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