Re: Official: Things I Wish I Knew Earlier!
Nice tips some was common knowledge but certainly well organized and very informing.
I have a tip: Just because it's a fellowship quest doesn't mean you need a healer or a full group. I have soled and 2 manned about 90% of the game using strategy and good crowd control. I can't count the amount of times a group refused to even attempt a quest because there was no healer present. True skills come from strategy. Learn to be self sufficient and the more challenging quests can actually be more rewarding knowing it was a challenge. This is turning out to be far to windy to be added hehe.
Exampe: I wanted to do the thiefs bane quest in evendim and a hunter said he'd go if we got more people I told him there was no need I could almost solo it just needed a tad more DPS. He said he would only do it if we got a healer. So I said screw it I'll just repeat the quest until I get my tomb robbers deed or complete it. It took 4 tries and I came close to dying but I ended up soloing the quest. I had to act fast and continue pulling aggro off the rangers in the camps but I did it and felt I had truly accomplished something. A great feeling to be had
---There's 6 forces of nature you must contend with today Poncho! Fire, Lightning, Wind, Rain, Snow and the mighty Dwarf! You really want to stick you hobbit legs where they don't belong? You had better hope the lighting gets you first.~Kikode---
**(Elf Minstrel) Level 9** **(Dwarf Champion) Level 43**