Welcome to our newest players!
Take a moment to read this thread while you're patching or if you'd like to refer/add to it as you get to know Middle Earth; bookmark it for later!
Welcome to our newest players!
Take a moment to read this thread while you're patching or if you'd like to refer/add to it as you get to know Middle Earth; bookmark it for later!
You do not need to be near a workbench in order to craft lore! Unlike the other crafting professions, you can camp Scholar node locations and grind out your crafting xp right there.
One of the best things I haven't seen mentioned is "shift & right mouse click."
This will autoloot the corpse or node.
Please note that this is a bug and it will be fixed in a future update.
[Edit] It's actually the repair rates at this vendor that will be fixed. Many craft ingredients have been reduced in price - reflecting what you currently see at the Grocer at the Bree Town Hall.
Last edited by Avon; May 18 2007 at 07:16 PM.
grab all the quests in an area before heading out. sometimes youll have to kill mob b to get to mob a. or youll have 2 quests that involve the same mob. so you can get 2 things done at once.
When you dye something, you must unequip and re-equip the item to see the changes.
Edit: I forgot the command, but someone needs to put something up there about how to preview the dressing room (is it control + right-click? I always buy what I meant to dressing room...)
Last edited by Sssnapdragon; Apr 24 2007 at 02:13 PM.
Spending my Destiny Points is ACCOUNT wide, not per character![]()
Read my MMO blog at
Whitestar Rangers : Meneldor : 7
Four Horse men of the aPUGalypse : Landroval : 6
And First of All, Badfinn : Meneldor : One of the Few Remaining Male Weavers.
Quigonwindu: Added under Crafting and Harvesting, thank you!
B_Radr: Shift+Right click corpse is up there, but not the resource shift+right clicking a node. Added, and thank you!
nevikt: Added under Pro Tips, thank you!
Sssnapdragon: Added under Crafting and Harvesting, thank you! The dressing room item is under look and feel currently.
pvthudson01: Added under Pro Tips, thank you!
I think quigonwindu meant that while a Scholar is out node harvesting, they can use their crafting skills right then and there; without needing to go back to town to use a crafting bench (Forge, Workbench, etc).
As some Scholar's will "camp" scholar nodes; it's convenient for them to harvest, skill up and harvest some more.
Do NOT repair every time you are in town, or you will not make enough money to even train your skills. During early levels, repair something only when it turns yellow--and even then, only if you don't think you'll be replacing the item any time soon with a new quest reward or drop. Items do not become less effective as they get damaged, so there's no reason to keep them in perfect condition all the time.
With my first character, I hit "Repair All" every time I was in town. By level 15, I had 20s. With my second character (same class, same race, same quests), I repaired only when absolutely necessary, and by level 15 I was at 300s.
Here's a new tip. The suppliers sell Bronze versions of all the crafting tools. These are far more durable than the tools you start out with, and do not have any duration or crit-penalties.
Combat Options: Enable Combat Particle Response Indicators.
For classes that rely on certain conditions for skills to be used this will show an effect around your character when the conditions are met, and allow you to react to it. Rather than looking at your hotbar at all the time.
One thing that you might want to add under the dying section:
Water isnt soft, you will die if you jump from a great height into water. Sorry, no base jumping in LotRO.
I don't want to start an argument or anything, but I agree with Forohir. Repairing most items at lower levels is a waste of money because they are replaced by new items before they even get close to breaking. And, as far as I can tell, the sell value of the items doesn't change if they are not fully repaired, either. I never have room in my inventory to stay away from a merchant long enough to completely break anything, anyway.![]()
Forohir: Added the Bronze Tools item, thank you!
Thornfinger: Added your item under Combat, thank you!
Can you explain this one more?
2. You don't need to be at a vendor to lock items. Remap your keys to assign a short cut and select an item; then use the shortcut to toggle the lock. ~From Makkilmakkil
"Let him not vow to walk in the dark, who has not seen the nightfall." - Elrond
Traits from Deeds stack. So if you want to get to Rank 4, you need to complete the deeds from several areas.
Deeds automatically upgrade. No need to see a Bard if you've changed rank.
Always repair an item before selling it. You get more money for it, and you get more than it cost to repair. For example, if you have a sword you would like to sell lets ays it's worth 1s 50c when 100/100 if you try to sell it when it's 90/100 you'll only get 90c for it, but if you repair it, the repair cost would only be something like 20c, so you would end up with an extra 40c if you repair it before selling vs not repairing.
I hope that makes sense. I'm typing this up on my T-mobile... Tiny screen & keyboard =P