Added another via PM. Now up to 51 RSVPs.
Hey, just in case you're actually bringing a list of the names on your rsvp list, mine's Dryadsong (Edhriel in-game), not "Drysong" as you currently have it which just sounds weird.
reserve one more place for me please.
there will be 2 im my party
Sap!!!!! This is VERY tempting!!! Havok and I are in Buffalo as you know, so this is not far. Maybe we can make an appearance. You had me at Boston Pizza....
When would be the latest rsvp?
Maltese & Havoksnipes
The number of people watching you is directly proportional to the stupidity of your action
Neddor, Untrustworthy Guardian of Arkenstone
Massan, Captain Nutter of Laurelin
Thre's no 'cut off' date. Mostly the count is so the person organizing can keep track of things so they can keep the venue informed. Otherwise we end up descending on a place and they're unprepared and can't accomodate us.
Especially since we're at nearly 60 people! 56 as of this post.
If Sapience can pick who I am when he see's Username..I will donate 50 dollars to the cause!
(should be pretty easy ;P)
If it is not too late, please add myself and another Lotro enthusiast to the list (+2).
~ Thank you
Everyone added as of now, total is 63.
I have been to 2 Meet and Greets in Orlando. I posted the video for one of them. I have also volunteered for many tea party type public events. I can tell you right now that there is a problem developing here with this many people.
1. No bar/restaurant is truly setup for gatherings of this size and type.
Your people will now have to be scattered all over the restaurant because no single section will be able to hold them all.
2. It will take longer for food to come out
Restaurants are designed for constant flow, not burst groups. The last people to get their order in may be 40 minuets or more before they get fed.
3. Only half of a group this size will be able to hear you.
(most important one) I know that you have done many of these Sap, but your perspective is not that of the audience. Watch the video that I posted again and see how everyone got up out of their chairs to gather around you just to be able to hear what you are saying. We were lucky that the previous restaurant had enough empty floor space to allow people to do this because we moved a bunch of tables before you got there. With 50 people, your going to start having flow problems, sound problems, and food problems.
So, questions to ask them...
Do they have PA equipment that you can use (some restaurants have their own band equipment)?
Do they have a stage area or place where 50 people can stand around together?
How long will it take to serve a group of 50?
Can they all be seated in a single general area?
You need a PA system and the freedom from the restaurant to use it. What will happen if these problems are not handled is that half your group will be isolated from the others, not be able to even hear you, will not be able to get involved, will not get their food for 40 minuets, and will leave the event very unhappy because it was not planned correctly for such a large group, wrong location, no equipment, no on site organization.
I am sorry to be the one to tell you these things, but its true, at 50 people you will have serious problems and this event will not be fun for half the people involved if these things are not addressed. I hope you all have a great time. If you don't understand these things, watch the video of the Orlando event again and count how many people are actually getting involved, you only have about half the group truly getting involved because the other half cannot hear you and there is not enough standing room. Add 20 more people to this video and that is the situation that you are about to have. The fact that the restaurant manager keeps saying, "sure no problem" every time you add more people to the group tells me right there that they are not experinced in hosting events of this type with this many people. Most restaurant managers do not consider any problems that your group will have. They will only consider seating the people and serving them, not other problems such as keeping the group together, having to speak to the group, and having them get up and assemble in the restaurant. Want this to turn out well? Then someone in the are should go there an try to plan this out and properly inform the restaurant of the PA system needed, or an area where you can dominate the sound or have people gather around to be able to hear.
Last edited by Sinkhan; Jun 17 2014 at 05:18 AM.
Thanks for your reply, Sinkhan. I can appreciate your desire to see all of the get-togethers succeed.
I've been to this venue many times. Most of my visits have been with a staff team of 75. The managers have agreed to put us in the same section that my staff team has used each year: all of the RSVPs will be able to fit, and will be close to one another. (For anyone else who has been to this BP before, if you head in the main entrance, head left and all the way to the back.)
In regards to audio, the restaurant isn't able to provide a PA/mic, which you're right, is a disadvantage. With that said, I've addressed my group of 75 more than once at this gathering, always without a mic. We haven't had trouble hearing provided folks tune in. The only caveat is that I've never been here on a Friday night, so I do not know what else we'll be competing with. Ideally, I would place Sapience and the swag at a table in the centre of the section. He could then be elevated and speak to the entire crowd for the 'group' portions of the event: even those seated at the furthest tables would be no more than ~20 feet from him. It would essentially create a "theatre in the round" where you shouldn't have to move the furniture around.
Now, you are correct to point out that audio and direct engagement become problems when everyone wants to be the person closest to Sapience. The work-around I would suggest is to have Sapience move from table to table for that portion of the event. The layout of the section lends itself to that sort of 'drive-by chatting.'
The manager estimates that going from seated to eating will take about 30 minutes. I recognize this isn't ideal (we want food!), but it's also the norm for the Clifton Hill strip on a Friday night. Moving to a menu package (instead of the straight menu) would reduce this time, but it ties our hands on numbers and I don't want to be left holding the bill.
I've drawn up a quick map of the interior using paint to illustrate the space a bit for those who are coming. Sap, I defer to you on your best judgment for these things. The managers know I'll be calling again if anything changes or on Thursday to check in if all is well. They've already added more staff to the shift because of our numbers, so that should help. I will be in the city by 4:00 that day and will head to the restaurant early as needed.
As always, looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Neddor, Untrustworthy Guardian of Arkenstone
Massan, Captain Nutter of Laurelin
So this is true in so far as the Winghouse in Orlando goes. it was loud and I know it was hard for some folks to hear. It's a sportsbar and there was a lot going on at the same time. So the noise was definitely an issue.
In Buffalo, at the Anchor Bar, they gave us a side room. It was quiet, held the 40 or so of us, and I didn't really have anyone complain about noise or not being able to hear me. That's the ideal. We have a closed space to ourselves. I've done this with guilds I've run in the past and each time the best were when we had a closed off space to ourselves. 30-60 people and a slightly raised voice works well in cases where the room itself is quiet.
Something to consider though for the future when people start thinking about what locations they would host one of these at. In the main room of a sports bar probably isn't going to me ideal for a group of more than about 20.
Well it is very good to know that you will all be in a single area and that you can speak freely and that the area is large enough for your party. I am very glad to know that you have someone who is very experinced with holding large gatherings at this restaurant. It sounds to me that this even might be the best meet and greet of 2014. So, for anyone reading this that was wondering if it would be good to go to, then from what I see this is the event to go to if you are in the area. But, seats are running out fast, so, RSVP as soon as you can to make sure that you get a seat in this room.
Thank you very much for checking on these particulars for the benefit of all those who would be traveling to go to this event. I hope you have a great meet and greet.
Just to make sure there's no misunderstanding, this isn't a fully separated room. To my knowledge the entire establishment is one room - our wing is the most separated of the sections, but it's still in the same room as the hustle and bustle. As I said, I haven't had audio issues here, but I don't know their environment on a Friday night so certain parts of this will be a new experience for me as well. As with any event we'll make the most of it.
Neddor, Untrustworthy Guardian of Arkenstone
Massan, Captain Nutter of Laurelin
demonstrate why event planning is an actual THING.
Sounds like you all are set to have a fantastic time-remember to thank the folks who planned it all out if you're attending. It's what I call "duck work"-serene up top, paddle like hell underneath...
LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at
Yep. When I managed to restart the Player parties at PAX they took a huge amount of effort and coordination to pull off. The planning for them usually started a few months out and was constantly evolving until I got on a plane. Even then things could change by the time I got back on the ground. That's with working with the venue's event staff.
I have to admit I enjoy these meet and greets more than the parties. Not because I off load most of the 'work' to the person that volunteers to do the leg work on the ground, but because I know everyone is showing up because they want to talk LOTRO and have a real interest and connection to the game. They're true fans.
At the old parties we gave out a lot of swag, food and booze to folks who had never played the game. They just heard the LOTRO/Turbine parties were the place to be.
That is why I play LOTRO for the swag, hobbit food and dwarven ale.the old parties we gave out a lot of swag, food and booze to folks who had never played the game. They just heard the LOTRO/Turbine parties were the place to be.
they are all dead.. they just don't know it yet....
============================== ============================== =
I didn't know until Tuesday, Tuesday, June 17th, that the event took place at 8pm.
I'm scheduled to work from 11-7 on June 20th, so I haven't confirmed whether I could attend or not.
If things go well, I will try to make it. I don't have a car, but I'm only 6 miles and 1557 yards from the
Boston Pizza location. I can always take a cab.
My current main toon is Liaam, from Nimrodel server.
Oh yes, the Bank of Canada shows, On June 18th 2014, 20.00 Canadian Dollar(s) = 18.40 U.S. dollar(s), at an exchange rate of 0.9200.
Or..... On 18 June 2014, 20.00 U.S. dollar(s) = 21.74 Canadian Dollar(s), at an exchange rate of 1.0870