Oh hello old friends. I hope you have all been well. I haven't played lotro in a while since the imbalance caused a lack of action a while back. Unfortunately I have been gaming otherwise though. Hopefully I shall kick that habit soon enough.
Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)
Hey Aza hope life is treating you well. You definitely bailed at the right time, some of us keep hoping something good will happen out there.
Saw that WL around a few times as well, never imagined it was an imposter...........or is it?
~Riddermark~ 2010-2015
~Landroval~|BigLloyde (GRD)||Borofir (CH)||Backwaush (DEF)||Aurmpit (RVR)|
~Arkenstone~|Mrjingles-1 (WRG)||Achselhohle (DEF)|
seems like there is no reunion happening anytime soon eh?
Fellowship of heart heal to all of you![]()
lol dug this old post up from the original 1v1 thread that was locked (Thanks Cost)
Re: Good 1v1 thread
Wouldnt call it a 1v1 but i love it when krime thinks he is leate and can burn down a 9'600 hp wl in the middel of oc made him burn both hips Lol wish i took a screen shot .Just to funny when some peeps role the i win toons and think they can just acomplish anything they want in the moors (vision) !!!! Bricks running in the middel of creep group thinking he will take out half then sprint off to glory ???????
haha good ole Bricks and Krime, always up to something (circa 2011)
Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)
Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)
Well after roi, the pve side of the server started to die, at least for my kin. and since I wasn't creeping a lot, I didn't see any logical reason to pay the game and keep on levelling. I tried to check the game and community from time to time, but both side seemed dead. I really miss the old days. but if ever there would be a comeback, i would try to lvl my ####### or join the creepside with my greenies.
[color=#FBB117]Frostmaul/Frostblade/Frostbitten[/color] [b][color=#56A5EC]Riddermark[/color][/b]
[color=#FBB117]Condolences[/color] [b][color=#56A5EC]Laurelin[/color][/b]
[color=#FBB117]Condolence/Afkrefillingcoffee/Brbbiorealquick[/color] [b][color=#56A5EC]Brandywine[/color][/b]