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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    State of the moors here?

    So what's the action line on this server? Freep dominated, creep? Backdoor shuffles, gv/grams camps? 1v1s? moors drama?
    Looking to find out what I can before I blindly transfer. The people I'm going with said there's good action, but when I've logged on it seemed dead.
    But any info is appreciated, since the server I'm wanting to leave has turned into a cesspool as of late

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Vilya seems to be a freep dominated server. The action is inconsistent at best. There are lots of dead times, with the majority of the action seeming to be around prime time.

    Creepside the people are generally nice and not cliquish. You won't find an elitist mentality that side. OOC is only full of drama from flippers generally which doesn't happen often. Most of the time it is hillarious, there's quite a few comedians creepside. Everyone tends to group with each other when necessary.

    I hope this helps in some way, if you decide to transfer you will be most welcome.

    Katelia Rk 11 Lm, Katetastrophe Rk 13 Warg, Kateaclysm Rk 15 defiler

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    It does, thank you. While I enjoy my freeps, I started creep and wouldn't mind playing both. The non clique thing is the biggest thing I'm looking for. That and non elitist. I'll try and hop on to check it out when I get home. What is the servers prime time?

    And thank you for replying

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeylad View Post
    It does, thank you. While I enjoy my freeps, I started creep and wouldn't mind playing both. The non clique thing is the biggest thing I'm looking for. That and non elitist. I'll try and hop on to check it out when I get home. What is the servers prime time?

    And thank you for replying
    Prime time is usually ~6-10 EST... usually zerg v soloes or zerg v zerg... there is still drama and elitism on both sides (plenty of big egos, but that's consistent with pvp in general). The server is not what it used to be as your tribe leader, the fake Evilspinner can attest to, consistent leadership (quality and consistency may change as time goes on) is vacant on both sides... at best I consider this a casual pvp server, mind set is group up with as many as you can find, talk **** and laugh... then go to bed.
    Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
    TEAM F
    ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Having just recently returned to the moors from a long hiatus playing other games, I'll pass on my opinion. Be advised though that since I only play creep side it will be entirely from that perspective.

    Vilya is a lot quieter nowadays, similar to many of the other small servers. Peak time you seem to get around 15-20 players on each side, consisting of usually a small raid and some out of group stragglers. The server does seem to have a reputation for being a little bit zergy, and both sides definitely do their share of it, but it isn't as bad as many players make it out to be.

    There are competent leaders on both sides but a lack of new players willing to take up the position. As of right now on creep side there are about 4 people who do the majority of the raid leading: Smegg, Imyourdaddy, Splay on occasion, and myself. I know a few of the freep side leaders, but frankly I personally can't distinguish between each one, they all use very similar tactics that were handed down by the leaders before them. In my opinion both sides could benefit from some fresh raid strategies.

    In terms of 1v1s, they are out there but you may have to go searching for them, most seem to happen 'off the cuff' randomly. However, be prepared for players to use pretty much everything at their disposal, there doesn't seem to be any specific rules regarding what skills are considered 'bad sportsmanship'.

    In terms of clique attitudes there isn't much on creep side, everyone's pretty friendly, however for the first few days you may get a little bit of the cold shoulder. But once people get to know you and know that they can depend on you in a fight they'll take you in like family.

    Hope this helps.
    Sniffle - Rank 12 Warg - Vilya

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    So many zergarino Al Pacino, mocha frappucino.
    [center][url=http://www.youtube.com/user/PerishableOath]Burglar 'Moors Videos[/url][/center]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I love Vilya. Action is good. I have fun playing.....smashing fail freeps daily.

    Im so glad i started on this server. Wouldnt transfer away for anything.

    And the guy before me....Thats Agonize. Somethin wrong with that boy
    Tyrant Swordmonkeyy Rank 15 Reaver ~Vilya~ now ~Arkenstone~
    High Warden Maldrian rank 9 guardian

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Imma have to spar ya sometime from my wardy Pwnisher without any wargs peeing on me lol
    Heinous (Pwnography), Mastadan (Noob), Pwnographic (Squishy), Proctologist (Just ugh)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Been here about a day now, pretty decent action and fun fights. Still gearing out, got my mits capped now, so hopefully better fights. The highlight of my night though was this;

    02/14 07:58:19 PM You feel as though you are being followed...
    02/14 07:58:47 PM You feel as though you are being followed...
    02/14 07:58:54 PM You feel as though you are being followed...
    02/14 07:59:03 PM You feel as though you are being followed...
    02/14 07:59:07 PM You feel as though you are being followed...
    02/14 07:59:11 PM You feel as though you are being followed...

    Look forward to more fights!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    lawl your in hippophistions tribe
    "There are things that go bump in the night. We're the ones who bump back." -BPRD

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanishi View Post
    lawl your in hippophistions tribe

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeylad View Post
    Hippophestion (Gif Manipulation from Vilya Trolls) = Mephistion (Vilya) = Fake Evilspinner = Evilspinnre (Brandywine) Leader of TWSL your tribe
    Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
    TEAM F
    ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Turin_Turambar_The_F View Post
    Hippophestion (Gif Manipulation from Vilya Trolls) = Mephistion (Vilya) = Fake Evilspinner = Evilspinnre (Brandywine) Leader of TWSL your tribe
    Ah word. He's the only one I've known with the name, so didn't know that stuff.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I don't know if anyone still has the original Hippophestion, but it might make sense here



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