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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Calling all former Crazed Champions of the South

    So, as crazy as this sounds, a few former kinnies from waaaay back in the day, are interested in returning to Lotro, but only on ridder. Ive transferred all my freeps and all but one creep off of this ghost town, but am willing to xfer my hunter back to revive the kin. Not for end game raiding, pvp, just for old times sakes.

    Having said that, looking for Ferin, Ostara, Kulemin, Galavorn, Scuppers, Vudu, Hfons, Mikeqwerty, Uron, and any others 2011 and before. Post here if you are interested, otherwise cheers. Heals to JustinD!
    Last edited by ThunderbowStormshard; Mar 25 2015 at 02:55 PM.
    Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
    Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderbowStormshard View Post
    So, as crazy as this sounds, a few former kinnies from waaaay back in the day, are interested in returning to Lotro, but only on ridder. Ive transferred all my freeps and all but one creep off of this ghost town, but am willing to xfer my hunter back to revive the kin. Not for end game raiding, pvp, just for old times sakes.

    Having said that, looking for Ferin, Ostara, Kulemin, Galavorn, Scuppers, Vudu, Hfons, Mikeqwerty, Uron, and any others 2011 and before. Post here if you are interested, otherwise cheers. Heals to JustinD!
    I won't give free money to Turbine for transfers when they plan on doing it for free once they implement their idea. I think of Riddermark to be in a coma and once Turbine removes the low populated servers, then they just pull the plug and Riddermark becomes dead for sure. I like your idea of bringing all the old kin members back together but some people I know from that kin don't plan on coming back to Riddermark once they transferred off to more active servers. Good luck and I hope it works out for you.
    - Second Marshall Battalion-1 ( Currently Semi-retired from Lotro )

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by thebravecaptain247 View Post
    I won't give free money to Turbine for transfers when they plan on doing it for free once they implement their idea. I think of Riddermark to be in a coma and once Turbine removes the low populated servers, then they just pull the plug and Riddermark becomes dead for sure. I like your idea of bringing all the old kin members back together but some people I know from that kin don't plan on coming back to Riddermark once they transferred off to more active servers. Good luck and I hope it works out for you.
    We were more interested in an xp disabled moria kin :P
    Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
    Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Man I don't even know which gambits give threat anymore
    Ostara | Anke

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Well that might be a little more entertaining than not-leveling and watching the pitiful world chat. You know, just maybe.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Always thought the Moria kin idea sounded like fun. Arguably the best chunk of content in the game to-date.
    ~Riddermark~ 2010-2015
    ~Landroval~|BigLloyde (GRD)||Borofir (CH)||Backwaush (DEF)||Aurmpit (RVR)|
    ~Arkenstone~|Mrjingles-1 (WRG)||Achselhohle (DEF)|



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