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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Frizle best rage moments

    Tell your story of frizle's best rage moment.

    Mine goes like this:

    I was grouped with frizle and 4 other minstrels. I believe the level cap was 60.

    We were at Grimwood and was attempting to take it. Frizle was leading and said for us to wait atop Grim's south hill,while he went into the camp. He said for us to wait and no matter what to not heal him as hell pulled the CG. It was planned that he would get the aggro and run past us to let all the remaining npcs reset. We waited as directed. We watched him grab aggro. We watched him run in our direction. We watched him run past us. We watched him die.

    As he lay there dead he raged as such. What in the ####! Why didn't you heal me? 5 Minstrels and not one freaking heal! For 5 minutes we endured his tirade.

    Finally,I scrolled back the chat and linked the part where he specifically said for us to not heal him.

    That day he didn't have a headset and I guess it was as well to our Minstrel group he didn't. The chat box was rolling continuously with rambling,rage rants. All in 3 and 4 words burst. What frizle didn't know is that all 5 Minstrels were in the same Vent laughing nonstop at his insanity.

    Later I had learned from a FBF member that frizle was regularly destroying headsets in rage fits.

    Frizle buddy you're special to me and the memory of that day I will not forget.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    If only I had FRAPS going 24/7... all the greatest Frizle hits from 'you ####ing scrubs should go back to Archet to learn how to play your ####ing class!' to 'Where the #### are you going! RAT is supposed to be with the group all the time, why the #### are you at Grams dying!' lulz <3 Frizle
    Turine Turambare - Warlord - Warg Slayer - Weaver's Enemy - Reaver's Enemy - Blackarrow's Enemy - Warleader's Enemy - Defiler Foe
    TEAM F
    ... occasionally seen on... Mynutts/Thick/Blasthardcheese/Vladtheimpaler/--------/Twiggyt/Belege/Bodybags

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I remember this one time Frizle killed Splay. x1000000.
    Phrasing! Doesn't anybody do phrasing anymore?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Question :0

    so he raged?! Interesting story!
    Dushuak Rank: 12 Galathia Rank: 6 Salloe Rank: 7 Ramaros Rank: 6 Amoris: Rank 6 (Haven't pvp in years)
    Evil People Lead To Evil Intentions

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    looked for a frizle rage video but found this instead.......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0icyb2sNEs lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    lol at the rage but i seem to miss it more these days.
    dont worry the dev's are working on a fix that fixes the fix that fixed the fix that was fixing the fix....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Basically Splay is saying he sucks as a mini but we all knew that but I have never broke anything in a rage in my life, lol I just run them over with my chair.

    PHRASING!!!!! (For you Snowcone my friend!) and hi Hetweith!

    Wow this got a lot more responses than splays "grats thread" I guess that is why he was sad lol

    this pic is for you too splay I asked in world chat for them to tell my lil dork son what server this is ...

    and I made a new Frizle on Arkenstone did you miss that server? See him in my friends list?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Frizle is great to run with but when your failings are identified its hilarious.......

    When the Watcher was the end game raid, Frizle ran with our kin and Southern Cross to show us how its done. Anyway, heals weren't happening to the minstrels and marks weren't applied to tentacles, so the captain was called out. the line from Frizle went something like this........"HOWCANYOUNOTHEALT HEMINSTREL?THATSTHEMOSTBASICJO BOFANYCAPTAININANAYRAIDEVER?YO UNEEDTOUSEYOURMARKSTHEMOMENTIC ALLOUTATARGET!THATGOESWITHOUTS AYING"...ad infinitum, but the funny part, in the midst of the 5 minute captains failing, Frizle says he didn't play a captain, but it should be obvious. I'm not sure if this was before Jeanluc or just a brain fart, but it was hilarious. Lucky I was a hunter that night.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Frizle and I are still homies. We talk often... actually a friend. WOAH! But this is my favorite moment ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omJmdxePNE4

    Although I did have some pretty great FRAPS of Frizle and I trolling splay, but has since been lost since my move to college
    Ishali - RK | Ishai - Champ | Ishaz - Warden | Ishah - Captain

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    to be clear, regardless of the rage, i still consider friz to be the best at leading raids in the moors, which is why i wont even try to lead raids there. he's has had (as long as i have know him), an ability to out think the other side.
    dont worry the dev's are working on a fix that fixes the fix that fixed the fix that was fixing the fix....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Turin_Turambar_The_F View Post
    If only I had FRAPS going 24/7... all the greatest Frizle hits from 'you ####ing scrubs should go back to Archet to learn how to play your ####ing class!' to 'Where the #### are you going! RAT is supposed to be with the group all the time, why the #### are you at Grams dying!' lulz <3 Frizle
    Quote Originally Posted by cuffwin1 View Post
    Basically Splay is saying he sucks as a mini but we all knew that but I have never broke anything in a rage in my life, lol I just run them over with my chair.

    PHRASING!!!!! (For you Snowcone my friend!) and hi Hetweith!

    Wow this got a lot more responses than splays "grats thread" I guess that is why he was sad lol

    this pic is for you too splay I asked in world chat for them to tell my lil dork son what server this is ...

    and I made a new Frizle on Arkenstone did you miss that server? See him in my friends list?

    Frizle in Archet. How I love irony

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Christian.S View Post
    Frizle in Archet. How I love irony
    I have a feeling there are a lot of lvl 1 freeps with names from vilya on all the remaining servers



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