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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Mithril Guard Dwarven RP Kinship *Recruiting*

    Greeting Ithilians!

    The Mithril Guard is a Dwarven RP/PVE Kinship that has been established and is looking for loyal longbeards to join our ranks.

    If you enjoy Dwarven Lore, Culture and RP then we would welcome you as kinmates. We have periodic events including drill, councils and drinking of coarse!

    We are accepting loyal longbeards of any experience level and profession. We are very helpful and supportive of brother dwarves and look forward to adding to our ranks! We have dwarves in the EU and NA timezones.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Frorin, Recruiting Officer of Mithril Guard.

    Please notify any of the below dwarves for further information or recruitment.

    Vhorin, Wotin, Nafli, Tharim, Erl, Toli and of coarse yours truly Frorin.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Please note that this Kin has been disbanded yesterday (Former member)



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