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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Lightbulb What Ithil needs for RP to really spark is a site like Laurelin Archives.

    I know that there has been attempts to make Ithil the roleplay server of the legendary servers, and that would give it a quite nice identity or flavour. But I originally come from Laurelin, and this is the advice I can give as a long time heavy roleplayer in Lotro: Discord is not the best place to coordinate all the roleplay events or Landroval-style concerts.

    What I believe Ithil really needs for that is a site like Laurelin Archives, with character profiles, stories and event calendars and a countdown to keep it all together. Or like Lotro Artists, but specific for Ithil.

    It would be a great move if someone decided to launch such a thing.
    'Amdir we call it, "looking up". But there is another which is founded deeper. Estel we call it, that is "trust". It is not defeated by ways of the world, for it does not come from experience, but from our nature and first being.'

    In Laurelin - Lover of Tolkien's lore

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Where there is a will there is a way, good luck.

    The Laurelin Archives is run by just a few dedicated people. Personally I enjoy seeing the creative works some of the members there have taken time to create, not only stories but artwork as well. The site is fortunate to have some very talented contributors.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Is it truly? A lot of RP attempts have been shunned away,opposed,mocked and even worse, The vile comments i certainly won't mention. Players in general do not tolerate and often misunderstand RP purpose and would rather embrace let us say different topics. Ithil does not need a site,However It will require a larger and way more passionate, committed RP player-base consisting of their own Kinship,channel and eventually a website which is not simple,Far from it. Heavy Role playing, exceptional story writing and site running takes time and devotion and there are few souls on Ithil fit for the task ahead. Tis an art and one must be gifted possessing certain skills and excellent knowledge of the English language. In particular if one wishes to write in an Archaic manner.

    Laurelin is a different tale.Perhaps the most extraordinary RP server and to create or to replicate such a site will be notoriously difficult
    at the moment.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Vanyaerunanethiel View Post
    Is it truly? A lot of RP attempts have been shunned away,opposed,mocked and even worse, The vile comments i certainly won't mention. Players in general do not tolerate and often misunderstand RP purpose and would rather embrace let us say different topics. Ithil does not need a site,However It will require a larger and way more passionate, committed RP player-base consisting of their own Kinship,channel and eventually a website which is not simple,Far from it. Heavy Role playing, exceptional story writing and site running takes time and devotion and there are few souls on Ithil fit for the task ahead. Tis an art and one must be gifted possessing certain skills and excellent knowledge of the English language. In particular if one wishes to write in an Archaic manner.

    Laurelin is a different tale.Perhaps the most extraordinary RP server and to create or to replicate such a site will be notoriously difficult
    at the moment.
    But wouldn't the site at least be a step to the right direction as a manoeuver? If it's maintained properly, the trolls can be kept away.

    And from the way you put it, us roleplayers need a thick skin in Ithil anyway. We should not be phased from the small things to stay around, especially the ignorance, jealousy or plain immaturity. If they cannot change us, they will eventually grow tired of trying to change us.

    And what about the vile comments? I think SSG makes enough money off the roleplayers to care if they're being under attack. And Cordovan also hosts many concerts in Lotro stream in Twitch, and probably knows that RP or concerts often have the most live viewers.
    Last edited by Lindaelle; Apr 29 2019 at 11:29 AM.
    'Amdir we call it, "looking up". But there is another which is founded deeper. Estel we call it, that is "trust". It is not defeated by ways of the world, for it does not come from experience, but from our nature and first being.'

    In Laurelin - Lover of Tolkien's lore

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I think what Ithil really needs is some social RP events where people can meet each other. Like Laurelin has Green Dragon Friday and Hall of Fire Wednesdays or how Landroval has Ales and Tales. Something in game where people can form a sense of community.

    I had intentions of starting up something like this, but RL has been making things very difficult for me for several months now. Though I think things in RL are looking up now so if anyone else would like to help get some social events going I'd be willing to dive in.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Ithil is in need of Luminous Ladies of Beleriand High Female elves of Gondolin! Legendary Noldo city, Thejewel of Tumladen. To join our ranks to banish and annihilate our great enemy Morgoth Bauglir. My Lady Laeren the Golden shall provide thee with additional information until then may thy radiance never cease to shine!

    Dispute? Contact Limbairedihiel Raven Black Goddess {Private message,Randir}

    Ithil requires the true warriors,Tolkien scholars,Lore fanatics and souls with great a fire and deep love for Role playing , but not necessarily to join one but to create a RP kinship and learn about Legendarium as well,Master the Language and embrace the Star Folk!

    Sincere Regards,
    Limbairedhiel,High Queen of the Noldor
    Last edited by Vanyaerunanethiel; Jun 11 2019 at 01:28 PM.



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