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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    T2C Dargnakh Unleashed Broken?

    Ran t2c Darg yesterday and it went smooth until the last boss. Everything was fine and dandy until he'd pound and hit the tank for 31k+ and basically 1-shot everyone - even with overcapped mits and ToO gear. Is he supposed to be putting out those numbers or is it broken atm?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Question to clarify: did your tank managed to move away on time? Once he's about to do the pounding he smacks hard. He gets a red icon, thats the cue to run

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurelinarien View Post
    Question to clarify: did your tank managed to move away on time? Once he's about to do the pounding he smacks hard. He gets a red icon, thats the cue to run
    We timed it and every time he was about to pound we had about .5 seconds to move but even when we did move he was still 1-shotting us. Even with the healer standing max healing rang away he was still getting killed by the pound. Had a guard tanking with a bear healing and I yellow de-buffing with x2 disable and even standing max range out he was still killing us. So the short answer is No we weren't moving in time because there was hardly any time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenta_Ithil View Post
    We timed it and every time he was about to pound we had about .5 seconds to move but even when we did move he was still 1-shotting us. Even with the healer standing max healing rang away he was still getting killed by the pound. Had a guard tanking with a bear healing and I yellow de-buffing with x2 disable and even standing max range out he was still killing us. So the short answer is No we weren't moving in time because there was hardly any time.
    Yea, another member of my kin mentioned that in T2 the timer to run away shortens compared to t1, I do not know if its intended... I've always considered that the mechanic was to run away so either the timer or the dmg could be off.. with no word from the devs its hard to tell :/

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    This 3 man was my favourite on release. It was brilliantly done with great mechanics and a good few laughs. Then we had some stat or damage pass and it became a no go instance over night - maybe HD changes, it effected so many things.

    Just a few minutes work to fix one of the best in the game and no one at Turbine could be bothered or interested in addressing it. Always great fun to do but if the end encounter is so miss-matched why bother?

    Just seen Roxi's official stream video of it. Highlight's it brilliantly. The problem as ever, Turbine/SSG just not playing and knowing their game.

    Thanks Roxi for some nostalgia. Hope to see you in the last of the three mans shortly... I had to develop a kite heal mini build/strat just for that instance I hope the challenge is still there, it has the best chance of the three to do so.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Its a 1 minute timer, stand on the opposite side of the arena as Dargnakh

    Mirage | Fathom | Situational Awareness | Reformed
    Arkenstone | Shadowfax | Treebeard

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    If you're doing Challenge there's no reason to damage him. Just get him to destroy all 4 pillars and you complete the fight.

    We did T2C yesterday by just having the tank stand in range with everyone else on the other side. The first one is pretty easy to survive with a defensive, though it does get harder. But we just cycled defensives/revives for the fight.

    Although, the damage is pretty nuts, I was hit for 96k on the last pillar on a yellow captain.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    the reason why your entire group gets smashed is just the bear healer, 20 m range to the tank is simply too close to dargnakh, however piercing or maybe even knockdown should help out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Elorlas View Post
    If you're doing Challenge there's no reason to damage him. Just get him to destroy all 4 pillars and you complete the fight.

    We did T2C yesterday by just having the tank stand in range with everyone else on the other side. The first one is pretty easy to survive with a defensive, though it does get harder. But we just cycled defensives/revives for the fight.

    Although, the damage is pretty nuts, I was hit for 96k on the last pillar on a yellow captain.
    That's nice if the Devs have decided to give you cooldowns. Apparently this is another one of the cases where they think a Warden tank without cooldowns and inferior mitigations etc. etc. is just "fine". (Not your fault, you played the hand you were dealt - just more bad decisions from SSG).
    85 Warden - Leader of The Last Alliance - Anor
    Challenger of the Rift - Challenger of Helegrod

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    We did also all T2 3/6man Instances that are here atm (on Anor).

    Dargnakh becomes a bit special, as many read this forum post i think.
    Non wants to do it...

    Not non, but very few.

    We did it in T1 for the questline and later in the evening also in T2cm. Same People.

    The Timer is 50/60sec reset by the smashing on the floor around 10sec in addition. 1min, 2:10, 3:20, 4:30 and maybe 5:40.
    We did the Endfight with Beo (Maintank) and Guardian (Backuptank) and Blue Captain (level 60 Symbol, double rez option).
    The timing was well and we did it.

    You have also the option to kite for an additional smash to get the CD free again (between the pilars do not run in the middle).
    There is no need to damage him - and you should not, else he will die :-)

    I set my Hot as long it is save and go away around 5sec before, to get sure the range does not affect me - the range is huge.



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