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Thread: Ssg good job!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Thumbs up Ssg good job!

    Finally after so many years we will be able to use outfits in ettenmoors! We support you and wish you develop more pvmp.
    Outfits change will bring closer our characters to the lore (if most use outfits properly xD).
    Here is a list of changes for Freeps to consider adding in the near future :
    1. Fix the lag by improving servers. For pvmp problem with lag comes from many creeps and freeps in same area (3 - 4 craids and 1-2 fraid usually on evernight, not even full most of times)
    +one other way to force people split and not all the craids be together maybe disable the option of raid or even group , so people can only 3 man or 6man so they start roaming the map more and avoid huge lag fights.
    2. After class reworks you said you will balance pvmp, consider adding freep gear again balanced to creep stats make 4 sets according to ranks with more stats and maybe set bonuses also (for example set for 1-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15 rank and disable pve gear in moors. Give a free rank 0 gear with silver and let rest gear be upgraded with15coms each to make it harder to get it.
    3. Bring back legendary weapons with ranks for pvmp
    4. Consider adding 5 more ranks. many people after 12 years reach rank 15 and stop. give them a reason to go back and fight once more by adding some titles new ranks maybe rating system again also.
    5. Make rank rewards worth getting for example the rank clocks make them updated for next lvl expansion and also make them better than pve.
    6. Make keeps worth. Make npcs harder
    7. Return ec and oc to their old locations and make them again part of the main line of action.
    8. Consider the pvmp aspect of the game a little more on socials and with gms making events or play with us. Pvmp is an aspect of the game which can provide you steady income from vips first and second from store items. (you can add more pvmp stuff in the store)
    That's your final chance before a new lotro or you fail with pve content also and many people stop playing, do not ignore it nabs xD

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    9. Add new sets for every class at their class masters. Not only light/medium/heavy would be awesome.
    10. Add class runes for beornings at their class master in GV.
    11. Add 1h weapons for beornings at ^.
    12. Add jewellery for beornings ^ xD

    (c) Amentia from Evernight

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Thumbs up

    Remove Rating system & Wartabs, maybe, this way, huggers are leaving backdoors/oneshooters.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Thumbs up

    Maybe remove freeps also so farru leaves grams

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Treliarhs View Post
    Finally after so many years we will be able to use outfits in ettenmoors! We support you and wish you develop more pvmp.
    Outfits change will bring closer our characters to the lore (if most use outfits properly xD).
    Here is a list of changes for Freeps to consider adding in the near future :
    1. Fix the lag by improving servers. For pvmp problem with lag comes from many creeps and freeps in same area (3 - 4 craids and 1-2 fraid usually on evernight, not even full most of times)
    +one other way to force people split and not all the craids be together maybe disable the option of raid or even group , so people can only 3 man or 6man so they start roaming the map more and avoid huge lag fights.
    2. After class reworks you said you will balance pvmp, consider adding freep gear again balanced to creep stats make 4 sets according to ranks with more stats and maybe set bonuses also (for example set for 1-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15 rank and disable pve gear in moors. Give a free rank 0 gear with silver and let rest gear be upgraded with15coms each to make it harder to get it.
    3. Bring back legendary weapons with ranks for pvmp
    4. Consider adding 5 more ranks. many people after 12 years reach rank 15 and stop. give them a reason to go back and fight once more by adding some titles new ranks maybe rating system again also.
    5. Make rank rewards worth getting for example the rank clocks make them updated for next lvl expansion and also make them better than pve.
    6. Make keeps worth. Make npcs harder
    7. Return ec and oc to their old locations and make them again part of the main line of action.
    8. Consider the pvmp aspect of the game a little more on socials and with gms making events or play with us. Pvmp is an aspect of the game which can provide you steady income from vips first and second from store items. (you can add more pvmp stuff in the store)
    That's your final chance before a new lotro or you fail with pve content also and many people stop playing, do not ignore it nabs xD
    really now with all this lag you like outfits in the moors? we hide cloaks to reduse lag and now you r happy with outfits......!?!?
    you cant throw outfits in there if you havent addresed the lag issues 1st......
    thats the main reason i dont join moors latelly and i have a really good machine!(PC)
    really now, how many care for the real lore ??? if they do care they should all come with military looking outfits, and i dont know many.........
    removing the raid??? dont you fed up with the followers that just pew pew and take renown without fight? or the camping ????
    spliting into smaller groups does not forbide players being in the same place at all! plus the followers, you cant remove lag like this, sorry......
    we dont need more ranks nor we need armour sets, and especially nothing better than PVE!
    PVP is a subobject of lotro you cant add better gear there or none will do quests or repetables!
    i believe you know what that means to player behaviour, sychology, boredom, game income, player base and more others!
    but i agree on better rewards file! things that make all of us want playing in da moors! even cool outfits will do the job!
    (new LI titles, interesting personal tittles, legendary outfits, scrolls and strlyts, unique items and more, barterable and in the 3 boxes)
    i agree on gm participation with events!(and rewards ofc)
    ofc updating server in a way that will help remove lag is the top thing to do!!!!!
    lotr enthousiast since 1996, over 12 years lotro player, lifetimer, Loyal member of the Spartans Kinship and Subleader, now in Evernight imigrants from Eldar

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Cool Lucille is ready for u25

    Lag was issue with older systems from the times of release of the game. I see no reason why no using outfits if they fix the lag.
    +I know many do not care about lore but some of us do so outfits +lore is good for some of us. It's Lord of the rings if you do not care about lore even in pvp (not you anyone that does not care) can play a ton of other mmos that provide better pvp and content.
    2. Since I pay every month I can not ask only to fix the lag. Seriously? We pay them. we deserve better treatment and development. Since I pay I can suggest what I want and the gms will review the proposals of every players in the game. that's what the support team (if one exists anymore) has to do. For example add on lotro market for 500euro a gms skillline and commands and let us the ones that buy it terrorise everyone in game till it closes ( which will be Soon, from the feedback I see in beta for MM posts).
    On titles etc we agree but why not extra ranks. You would see names forgotten from 5-6-10 years behind trying to Grind once more.
    Quest gear and raid gear have a huge gap. Creeps kill easily a freep with q gear and really hard with raid gear.
    They must balance creep stats according somewhere between . If they can not change much on creeps cause their design is 12 years old freep gears for moors maybe are a good alternative choice.
    And think this now : Maybe their plan is to break and stop pvp
    They do outfits before fixing the lag and they do not stop transfers in a server that has every night full creep side.
    Outcome : us with better pc and loving lore or not , just loving pvp with outfits we will enjoy the last days of pvp while wearing the appearance we love.
    The first victims will be the people with older system that suffer during the prime times from lag.
    Your Answer? These people pay too probably. Blame not the messenger blame SSG.
    In the apocalypse of pvmp we must become all Negan.
    Last edited by Treliarhs; Oct 25 2019 at 10:23 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Treliarhs View Post
    Maybe remove me also, cause I qq a lot & hug backdoors as they were teddy bears
    I spend more time at Grothum, and encouraging Wartabs and Rating will just encourage bad pvmp, just leave slayer deeds, and everyone fights, there's no other way. If game is oriented to group play there's no excuse to remove healtag, healers will be in group, and won't rank by just staying at grams/gv placing hots on everyone.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Yuzuriha_EN View Post
    Remove Rating system & Wartabs, maybe, this way, huggers are leaving backdoors/oneshooters.
    I think that wont change a thing, because they're either afraid, or they have toomuch of an ego to leave the bk/oneshooters. Then again, fear isnt bad at the right moments. I mean, you cant srsly expect 1 creep to walk in vs a fraid.

    I myself have little care for ratings, rank or kd, I just try to kill something, don't care that much if I die.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    #1 change I would like to see is removal of backdoors. #2 is removal of auto-flips. #3 is addition of a bunch of renown / infamy buffs to the Osgiliath map to make people want to use it - it's a really cool map with lot of potential if people had incentive to use it.
    Duruleth - 130 RK, Durindor - 130 Grd, Durabow - 130 Hunter, Durselm - 130 LM, Henckel - 130 Champ, Durbear - 130 Beorning, Dursong - 130 Mins, Durburg - 130 Burg, Durscap - 130 Cpt

  10. Oct 25 2019, 08:43 PM

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Yuzuriha_EN View Post
    Remove Rating system & Wartabs, maybe, this way, huggers are leaving backdoors/oneshooters.
    Doing this won't change anything. Someone will make a plugin that keeps track of the same as a War tab. Also it won't change how players pvp and why they make the choices they do.

  12. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by mmdur1 View Post
    #1 change I would like to see is removal of backdoors. #2 is removal of auto-flips. #3 is addition of a bunch of renown / infamy buffs to the Osgiliath map to make people want to use it - it's a really cool map with lot of potential if people had incentive to use it.

    Agree with most of this

    Backdoors could even be made so that you have to be out of combat, like entrances to DoF.

    Auto-flips are a bit pointless, what would also be nice would be to make trolls/Rangers a lot more powered, to make turning the map completely blue/red seem less like a good idea

    The problem with the osgiliath map is that people don't want to use it for a reason: The enforced replica of the Lug-Grams shuffle. Make the main bridge broken and perhaps it could create some small group fights but idk?

  13. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Due to the lag we already have and cosmetics was originally removed at lvl50 I think adding cosmetics once again before resolving the lag issue is a bad idea.

    1) Add pvp armour again(without essences) each piece with 5/6 stats/mits/aud
    2) Add pvp jewels with 3 stats(without essences) with a 3 piece added bonus
    3) Disable pve armour in pvp and vice versa
    4) Disable mounts

    1) same as freeps 1 and 2 above
    2) get rid of maps

    Return OC/EC back to original positions, no need to remove keep buffs but implement in a way controlling more than 50% adds a de-buff to the controller.
    Remove the use of backdoors in combat.
    Re-introduce the side switching cd both sides to 1 hr.
    With today's technology there must be a way to stop same person playing both sides whether it be for spying,clubbing or just a general troll.
    Creeps need a full overhaul and possibly another class added,but, in order for the amount of work involved for much needed changes and to keep on top of pvp, creepside must also sub(let the trolling begin with that comment) to generate the funds.



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