Good day, I am a returning player on Landroval, with several toons at or about level 100, I was wondering what level this server is at now? How well populated is the server? What is the player base like? I have found the atmosphere on Landroval has changed since I was last playing, players seem more eager to bicker and troll , less helpful than they used to be. Any and all opinions greatly appreciated.
All of the regular servers are at level 120 now. Once Minas Morgul launches (within a month?), the cap will go to 130.
I don't play on Landroval, but I recollect seeing a recent post somewhat like yours, with some good responses. You might try looking in the Landroval sub forum.
You posted in the Legendary Servers subform. Anor and Ithil are currently capped at 75.
I don't play on Anor, but on Ithil. I must say I like Ithil community better (very helpful, little to no trolling) but Anor seems to be more active for pugs. There are good kins on Ithil tho.
Both Legendary Servers are lvl 75 and will be 85 when RoR releases in 2020 (Jan. maybe).