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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Couple questions about red line solo traits/skills

    Most of my toons at or approaching level cap. Decided to go ahead and level my beorning. These days I solo exclusively.

    Have done some searching and reading about trait trees. Have a couple questions.

    1. Is it worth traiting for Composure rather than staying with Hearten for self heals? If I start maxing out my carving will "heal x Morale" become more effective than a "heal x% Morale" skill? I've looked at several red line trait trees and it looks like everyone traits for Composure for red beorning.

    1b. These same trait trees also trait for Improved Hearten and Hardened Heart. I haven't done that b/c I assumed once you trait for Composure which heals x% Morale (a fixed amount yes?) there's nothing you can do to increase x%. Not traits that increase Hearten and not carving/healing legacies. Can I infer that is not correct? Can Hearten traits + carving + healing legacies increase the effectiveness of Composure?

    2. Some of the trait trees I've looked at trait Vigilant Roar. Looks great for blue beorning in tanking role but why would a solo red beorning ever use that.

    My goal (for red line playing solo) is naturally maximize damage with some survivability.

    Thanks for the replies.

    Update = Did not get any replies (which is fine) so went ahead and spent several gold testing different trait setups in combination with two different carvings.

    1b. Hearten traits + carving+ healing legacies had *no* effect on Composure. Had some strangely inconsistent results. My main carving sometimes healed for a bit less than the swap carving. Which makes no sense but there you go.

    2b. So am now trying a build which does *not* include Composure. Instead relying on Hearten Heal with traits that improve healing. Instead of about 4k morale/tic am getting more like 5-6k/tic with my main carving. With swap carving more like 1-1.5k/tic. So a maxed out carving should result in substantial heals.

    Last edited by DarthKeryx; Dec 23 2020 at 06:47 PM.
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