TWICE is a newly formed kin by a group of friends. We are currently forming a raid roster to complete T3+ Raid content. We are seeking good players and will only recruit players that our members of the kin have experienced playing with now or in the past. Our players are mostly veterans from Evernight and Snowbourn and have regrouped into one kin.
We are not seeking people with a elitist mentality/or general toxic mentality. You must be able to handle memes and not be hostile towards members or other kinships.
Currently Looking for: 1x hunter,1x champ 1xMinstrel, 1x Warden. Other classes can apply if you are known to the kin. (Or for social reasons)
Big brain
K-pop fan
Send a message/mail in-game to Extrima or any officers in the kin if your interested in joining or have any questions.