Hey all,

I've been playing on and off since the early days of Rohan so I haven't done any group content or been in a kin since then but I'm hoping to change this now. I'm based in Australia so if any Au/NZ kins are recruiting I'd love to hear from you!

I mained an RK on Vilya (Narnelas (a.k.a Mrmagi back then) but I recently got my mini (Narnellas) to 130 and I'm keen to start doing some endgame healing with him and I'm getting close to 130 on my cappy (Iollirfiel) and guard (Aggazir). I'm usually logged onto one of these characters most nights so by all means fell free to send a tell if any recruiters see this; especially if any of the crew from Vilya's Nocturnal are still around, would love to hear from you even just to catch up!

Love you all.