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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Stout Axe Burglar

    Has anybody got a Stout Axe Burglar dual wielding axes? If so how good is it? What are the drawbacks and advantages?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Hammadryad View Post
    Has anybody got a Stout Axe Burglar dual wielding axes? If so how good is it? What are the drawbacks and advantages?
    I thought about that, but actually you should consider that burglar to have 5% dagger damage and +1% Dagger from race.
    I cannot tell how this is calculated together, but it should be increased damage somehow.
    (just equip dagger and axe on main hand and check the skills for a damage change)

    Furthermore auto-attacks with dagger have a slight crit chance which can open you crit-chain which is mandatory for burglars.

    Axes formerly had a benefit with armor reduction but the stats for that are outdated.

    Another thing to consider is that burglars are actually only taken as support in yellow line so the damage is not really relevant at all.
    If you like the looks of axes, use them
    Dwarfs should carry axes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Apart from the DPS question, you can always wield axes cosmetically while having equipped another melee weapon.
    There's some good in this world, and it is worth fighting for.



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