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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Quests with "listen" emote not working?

    Hey everyone.

    I just wanted to ask if anyone else has problems with quests that require the listen emote. I am now stuck on my second quest because of this. The first quest was "Covert Operations" in the Dale-Lands where you have to be in the right spot an listen. The spot is indicated by a message popping up. The other quest is "The way to the Glimmerdeep" in Ered Mithrin. Here you have to listen as well but as far as I can tell, there is so such message when you are in the right spot.

    The emote itself works by the way, you can clearly see in the chat that its being performed. It also does not matter if you use the emote from the quest bar or use it from the chat yourself. And for both quests I have tried to reset them and tried a myriad of locations. Is there any way to solve this?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Are you targeting the mobs that you are supposed to be listening to? I think there are some orcs near the path in that quest.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Well it seems I am quite dumb. As you suggested I just had to select the targets I was supposed to be listening to.

    Thaks for the hint.

  4. May 03 2023, 08:59 AM



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