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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    "Underwear" Bug Hits Gladden

    Those of us who are veterans of Evernight are familiar with the "underwear" bug from a year or two ago. This is where your character loading gets stuck, you crash your client (e.g. with alt-f4), and when you go back to that character, they're wearing nothing but their underwear.

    Well, today this happened to me twice on Gladden, and from world chat, it appears it's happening to a lot of other folks too. I'll go ahead and submit a ticket, but there's something folks should know about the "underwear" bug: it often unequips items. Usually it's a bridle, but I've seen ranged weapons get unequipped too. It's best to make it a practice to check any "underwear" character to verify that the right gear is equipped.

    Also, your morale may be very low when you log in. Hopefully, you're not in a hostile area...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I make sure that my underwear is always clean, but I certainly don't want to discover, to my horror and surprise, that I'm facing down Hobgoblins in Gundabad, in the altogether. (I just hate it when Hobgoblins laugh at me.)

    Thanks for the heads up on the bug!

  3. #3
    istvana is offline Legendary forums 1st poster
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Thank you for your brief summary.



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