Originally Posted by
It is more that the current system is built on a house of cards made out of previous and current systems and is ultimately the reason why our web site and forums have struggled in recent years. The only remaining bits left of it are the current LOTRO forums. Trying to mash that mess into a nice, clean, up to date set of forums has repeatedly been shown to be unsuitable when we have done the work to look at new forums, and the reason can fall under the quick take of, "it'll only make things worse." The downside of course is having to start fresh and keep the current forums in a permanent archive state, but that is a far better solution than trying to incorporate the old into the new.
Thanks for the info... looking forward to the future!
Landroval - The Council of the Secret Fire Friendly, Casual, Mature, and always seeking more!
Message moondog548 here, on Steam, Twitch, and Discord as moondog548#6830
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