15.Weird intense lighting with no source that happens in water no matter where you are which seems to follow your character and only shows up at certain angles (even happens in dark areas like Angmar)
15.Weird intense lighting with no source that happens in water no matter where you are which seems to follow your character and only shows up at certain angles (even happens in dark areas like Angmar)
Thanks for clarity and if this is how it is intended then it is fine just though I would bring it up.
The reason I called it weird is due to how intense it is(to the point where that water is white) even at night and due to how it follows the direction of your camera not the character actually so you can be in the exact same spot and 180 your camera and the lighting on the water is completely different.
16. Mordor 'thing' for lack of a better word with no physics (obviously because its a part of the larger tower asset so very minor and probably not worth while to change)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 45 at r4 lx1461 ly828 ox109.40 oy93.89 oz108.08. Game timestamp 493598190.205.
17. A couple vents that have no under texture/are floating
You are on [EN] Evernight server 48 at r4 lx1526 ly807 ox123.40 oy147.41 oz52.14 h102.7. Game timestamp 493598552.318.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 48 at r4 lx1528 ly807 ox1.39 oy154.39 oz56.33 h92.8. Game timestamp 493598582.055.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 48 at r4 lx1539 ly799 ox79.68 oy143.51 oz106.25 h241.9. Game timestamp 493598644.297.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 48 at r4 lx1540 ly798 ox99.69 oy127.48 oz109.84 h213.8. Game timestamp 493598658.923.
18.Floating Dwarf
You are on [EN] Evernight server 74 at r4 lx1553 ly763 ox34.95 oy77.83 oz179.16 h113.9. Game timestamp 493598810.309.
19.Dwarf sitting in mid air or didn't skip leg day-also Gimli is leaning on his axe that doesn't reach the floor(less important)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 35 at r4 lx1554 ly763 ox41.30 oy79.37 oz179.41 h241.9. Game timestamp 493850810.528.
20.Maggot holes could do with better physics around the edges but more importantly they make your character disappear when you jump into them
You are on [EN] Evernight server 44 at r4 lx1534 ly715 ox136.13 oy62.20 oz277.83 h45.0. Game timestamp 493599162.582.
21. Lhingris smeared/stretched textures and a weird line
You are on [EN] Evernight server 44 at r4 lx1533 ly714 ox116.76 oy47.48 oz276.01 h358.6. Game timestamp 493599130.943.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 76 at r4 lx1569 ly618 ox29.56 oy41.94 oz407.44 h302.3. Game timestamp 493599675.006.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 76 at r4 lx1567 ly597 ox158.49 oy118.92 oz379.91 h102.7. Game timestamp 493599740.879.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 76 at r4 lx1577 ly618 ox37.28 oy48.91 oz260.26 h177.2. Game timestamp 493600029.454
You are on [EN] Evernight server 54 at r4 lx1599 ly575 ox144.83 oy154.71 oz213.68 h174.4. Game timestamp 493649438.116.
22.Weird diamond shapes in water and the exact edge of the zone the water just stops but this area is right at the end of the region so understandable for both
Also the effect Vicious current river that is applied here describes the Anduin which this obviously isn't
You are on [EN] Evernight server 54 at r4 lx1604 ly572 ox82.85 oy91.68 oz211.01 h126.6. Game timestamp 493649507.681.
23. Is the invisible wall here needed? maybe it is but if not it would be nice to see non integral invisible walls removed
You are on [EN] Evernight server 47 at r4 lx1548 ly694 ox86.32 oy135.20 oz363.06 h88.6. Game timestamp 493599318.010.
24.Why is jumping off this bridge instant death even though you need to go below for the chests anyway
You are on [EN] Evernight server 47 at r4 lx1576 ly626 ox17.71 oy46.10 oz368.77 h26.7. Game timestamp 493599582.132.
25.Invisible wall on this area of water creates some stuck spots above.
Could it be removed and an actual rock to escape be added or maybe a more interesting root where you can swim under the rock and out at the water fall below(probably the second option isn't possible but would make more sense in terms of water flow)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 76 at r4 lx1565 ly594 ox115.48 oy58.08 oz379.70 h271.4. Game timestamp 493599802.673.
26.The water fall doesnt fully cover the river so you can see where the water just ends
You are on [EN] Evernight server 76 at r4 lx1579 ly615 ox61.92 oy158.25 oz258.27 h278.4. Game timestamp 493599998.529.
27.No texture on the underside of this rock
You are on [EN] Evernight server 17 at r4 lx1574 ly632 ox133.88 oy14.50 oz270.18 h202.5. Game timestamp 493600083.415.
28.Floating rocks
You are on [EN] Evernight server 16 at r4 lx1568 ly606 ox5.89 oy127.94 oz434.92 h68.9. Game timestamp 493853277.437.
The 3 below are comments on the general area of Lhingris
Lhingris in my opinion feels like it didn't have as much effort put into it as the other Mordor zones and looks the worse by far this is because:
29.Many of the rock assets don't match the ground texture e.g. this rock better matches the Angmar ground texture than Lhingris
30.Webs were placed around the area which look fine but it seems as if after that was done rocks were added over the top which look really bad and since the webs move they move in and out of the rocks
You are on [EN] Evernight server 44 at r4 lx1526 ly750 ox133.08 oy128.21 oz291.72 h12.7. Game timestamp 493598980.278.
31. Many invis walls as shown above
32.Many of the rivers/running water feel as if they just materialise out of rocks and have the same problem as the webs where they run straight back into the rocks
You are on [EN] Evernight server 44 at r4 lx1530 ly730 ox44.95 oy46.33 oz275.10 h95.6. Game timestamp 493599064.401.
33.Also the spiders that are used through out the region are just the same old spiders from the Barrow Downs and old Eriador which considering its a spider themed zone it would at least use the new Mirkwood or Mordor spiders that are used in the High elf starter area (but I do think the spiders should be kept considering they have been like this for years now)
34.Floating reward chests in all 4 Mordor allegiance halls
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-55.37 oy23.22 oz-489.84 h296.7. Game timestamp 493649794.701.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 41 at r4 lx2016 ly1392 cInside ox77.69 oy3.51 oz-219.22 h334.7. Game timestamp 493684359.200.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 27 at r4 lx2016 ly1344 cInside ox-2.54 oy-3.27 oz-516.37 h216.6. Game timestamp 493684872.134.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 73 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-279.18 oy-201.78 oz-428.21 h192.7. Game timestamp 493685302.438.
35.Floating quest notes in all 4 mordor allegiance halls (may depend on quest rotation)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 73 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-277.05 oy-181.79 oz-428.21 h226.4. Game timestamp 493685324.270.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 27 at r4 lx2016 ly1344 cInside ox-8.00 oy5.40 oz-517.28 h344.5. Game timestamp 493684892.594.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 41 at r4 lx2016 ly1392 cInside ox48.44 oy4.06 oz-219.22 h263.0. Game timestamp 493684407.043.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-64.84 oy18.51 oz-489.84 h187.0. Game timestamp 493649827.575.
36.Gap in the texture of the Lothlorien allegiance hall tree
You are on [EN] Evernight server 27 at r4 lx2016 ly1344 cInside ox-60.19 oy8.21 oz-516.04 h63.3. Game timestamp 493684985.703.
37.Weird lighting on iron fence thing in Lothlorien allegiance hall
You are on [EN] Evernight server 27 at r4 lx2016 ly1344 cInside ox-55.67 oy8.82 oz-516.04 h84.4. Game timestamp 493685016.488.
38.Bit of carpet clips up the steps (intended?) and benches float where the main elves stand
You are on [EN] Evernight server 27 at r4 lx2016 ly1344 cInside ox-37.66 oy-0.45 oz-516.00 h243.3. Game timestamp 493685094.547.
39. Also it would be really nice if an actual flet entrance to the allegiance hall was added. You could use the one Celeborn is currently on on the one that is on the same tree but currently not accessible.
40. The ground reflections disappear depending on your cameras angle and the benches slightly float (also leaves kind of get cut on in a line)?
You are on [EN] Evernight server 27 at r4 lx2016 ly1344 cInside ox-7.56 oy15.76 oz-516.87 h119.5. Game timestamp 493685173.052
41. The lighting/reflection on the water on and around this fountain in Bar Thorenion change depending on your cameras angle
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-118.13 oy82.13 oz-489.84 h4.2. Game timestamp 493650120.729.
42. Bar Thorenion floating tables and chairs both sides of the water
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-85.59 oy38.93 oz-489.84 h220.8. Game timestamp 493649971.197.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-99.46 oy7.00 oz-489.84 h50.6. Game timestamp 493650869.810.
43. Middle shield floats
you are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-73.74 oy80.12 oz-489.84 h292.5. Game timestamp 493649883.725.
44. Shield needs to be set back a bit as its leaning on nothing
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-89.90 oy54.90 oz-489.84 h115.3. Game timestamp 493650019.910.
45. Floating cups and barrel
you are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-94.46 oy86.78 oz-489.84 h52.0. Game timestamp 493650059.151.
46. Archway and food specular highlighting and archway slightly clips through wall at the bottom (also Dol Guldur wall intended?)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-155.96 oy81.40 oz-489.83 h347.3. Game timestamp 493650190.758.
47. Floating benches also a bowl in the second lock (Also some specular highlighting on that jar?)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-152.72 oy78.83 oz-489.83 h130.8. Game timestamp 493650219.523.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-134.97 oy62.90 oz-489.84 h151.9. Game timestamp 493650280.103.
48. Also it would be nice if you added an actual entrance and physical representation of Bar Thorenion on the landscape maybe in the coming Gondor update if North Ithilien is included
49. Many of the portcullises are interactable in Bar Thorenion even though they are high up and don't actually affect the player, is this intended?
In the image the portcullis starts below the archway and goes up to the roof
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-137.71 oy24.27 oz-488.58 h88.6. Game timestamp 493650442.960.
50. These two plant types are slightly to high through the area (hard to see in the images)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-187.53 oy41.69 oz-489.41 h106.9. Game timestamp 493650539.921.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-216.16 oy-23.35 oz-488.58 h178.6. Game timestamp 493650751.531.
51. Are the ceilings through out the Bar Thorenion side rooms supposed to not fully cover the room?
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-215.74 oy60.31 oz-489.84 h182.8. Game timestamp 493650612.826.
52. Floating torch thing
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-127.27 oy-14.39 oz-489.84 h18.3. Game timestamp 493650827.119.
53. This anvil and bucket don't light properly with per pixel lighting
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-102.05 oy2.16 oz-489.84 h288.3. Game timestamp 493650889.520.
54.Some more floating chairs
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-94.56 oy-15.92 oz-489.84 h177.2. Game timestamp 493650953.801.
55.Underside of these obelisks have no texture or floats
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx1573 ly712 ox109.89 oy16.42 oz191.15 h90.0. Game timestamp 493651067.550.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx1573 ly713 ox116.18 oy38.49 oz192.60 h90.0. Game timestamp 493651090.291
56. Sack floats and some of the black rubble slightly (cant see the rubble in the image)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx1574 ly712 ox131.91 oy16.39 oz198.36 h104.1. Game timestamp 493651144.079.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx1574 ly712 ox138.30 oy14.04 oz198.36 h66.1. Game timestamp 493651224.248.
57. Is this invisible wall necessary? considering mobs spawn up here anyway
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx1575 ly711 ox143.00 oy153.79 oz203.12 h203.9. Game timestamp 493651445.801.
58. Items inside underneath and above this rock (seems impossible if its implied the rock was from the volcano so remove the on top part?)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx1578 ly694 ox55.84 oy130.55 oz162.73 h271.4. Game timestamp 493651548.221.
59. Floating beds and tents
you are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx1611 ly687 ox73.45 oy143.09 oz155.60 h146.3. Game timestamp 493651801.446.
60. This probably can't be avoided but the non NPC mumakil have weird hit boxes where you can run through some legs but not all
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx1610 ly682 ox57.34 oy48.60 oz155.45 h30.9. Game timestamp 493651911.569.
61.Door slightly floats
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx1598 ly676 ox133.81 oy99.33 oz155.45 h236.3. Game timestamp 493652117.258.
62.Building slightly floats
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx1598 ly677 ox124.50 oy114.02 oz155.45 h153.3. Game timestamp 493652140.466.
63. Remove the invisible wall under this bridge
You are on [EN] Evernight server 56 at r4 lx1597 ly673 ox109.62 oy20.59 oz154.26 h303.8. Game timestamp 493652191.952.
64.Floating logs and campfire
You are on Treebeard server 14 at r1 lx1131 ly900 ox63.63 oy84.75 oz485.22 h337.5. Game timestamp 50513745.767.
65.Specular highlighting on these trees
You are on Treebeard server 28 at r1 lx1192 ly881 ox15.44 oy39.16 oz334.15 h150.5. Game timestamp 50514063.324.
66. No texture underneath towers + second image shows an specular highlighting error
You are on Treebeard server 28 at r1 lx1227 ly875 ox63.14 oy74.13 oz365.56 h132.2. Game timestamp 50514177.687.
You are on Treebeard server 28 at r1 lx1228 ly867 ox85.45 oy78.97 oz395.88 h312.2. Game timestamp 50514233.474.
67. If you fall down here you get stuck
You are on Treebeard server 28 at r1 lx1228 ly869 ox80.14 oy116.61 oz395.05 h29.5. Game timestamp 50514252.797.
68.Slightly floating wall in Ost Guruth
You are on Treebeard server 43 at r1 lx1170 ly935 ox59.28 oy146.24 oz428.55 h312.2. Game timestamp 50516015.573.
69.Building sticks through wall
You are on [EN] Evernight server 22 at r4 lx1596 ly703 ox86.38 oy157.90 oz151.52 h163.1. Game timestamp 493684100.983.
70. Reflections change depending on camera angle
You are on [EN] Evernight server 41 at r4 lx2016 ly1392 cInside ox27.47 oy-18.08 oz-219.39 h323.4. Game timestamp 493684783.252.
71. The whole hall of the king is out of line/unsymmetrical and considering this is the throne room you would think it should be be
71.1. Left side white strip doesn't go as far as the right(reason may not be strip but as shown the below the path way?)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 41 at r4 lx2016 ly1392 cInside ox82.54 oy-1.15 oz-219.31 h270.0. Game timestamp 493684328.252.
71.2.Entrance way into main room isn't central and the brown path way doesn't extend as the way to the left(which could be the cause of the above error)
Also left guard isn't facing the same way but this isn't as important
You are on [EN] Evernight server 41 at r4 lx2016 ly1392 cInside ox38.53 oy-1.08 oz-219.31 h270.0. Game timestamp 493684468.547.
71.3 Room isn't central to the main platform
You are on [EN] Evernight server 41 at r4 lx2016 ly1392 cInside ox28.10 oy-0.89 oz-219.39 h271.4. Game timestamp 493684505.814.
71.4 Room generally isn't central as left brazier plat form doesn't come out as far as the right one
You are on [EN] Evernight server 41 at r4 lx2016 ly1392 cInside ox5.46 oy-0.29 oz-220.70 h268.6. Game timestamp 493684554.964.
71.5 Throne area isn't central to the path way
You are on [EN] Evernight server 41 at r4 lx2016 ly1392 cInside ox-60.15 oy-0.36 oz-220.70 h267.2. Game timestamp 493684613.686.
This is all recorded in the allegiance hall version of the throne room but may occur on the normal version (haven't checked yet)
72 Erebor is symmetrical up until this point
You are on [EN] Evernight server 73 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-262.99 oy22.25 oz-421.94. Game timestamp 493685501.218.
73.Water appears from nowhere on these fountains
You are on [EN] Evernight server 73 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-226.20 oy109.02 oz-425.74 h173.0. Game timestamp 493685570.150.
74.Floating debris in the hidden chamber
You are on [EN] Evernight server 21 at r2 lx1984 ly1952 cInside ox1.27 oy-33.07 oz-99.82 h38.0. Game timestamp 493685624.639.
75. These two statues slightly float in the hidden chamber
You are on [EN] Evernight server 21 at r2 lx1984 ly1952 cInside ox16.30 oy20.34 oz-99.93 h139.2. Game timestamp 493685666.875.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 21 at r2 lx1984 ly1952 cInside ox-18.11 oy-17.54 oz-99.87 h160.3. Game timestamp 493685692.700.
76. Is this line supposed to clip through the throne slope thing? (I know this is just a feature of games but for all these slope thrones how would people even walk up them?)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 65 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-265.46 oy190.78 oz-410.76 h7.0. Game timestamp 493685859.619.
77.Not landscape but Dourhand Storm-keepers from Skirmishes have one of these induction abilities called 'Induction Text' which surely isn't intended?
78. The back of the throne has missing textures and no physics
You are on [EN] Evernight server 65 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-252.98 oy208.64 oz-408.71 h268.6. Game timestamp 493685925.860.
79. No texture on the underside of these pillars
You are on [EN] Evernight server 65 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-284.07 oy195.71 oz-408.81 h194.1. Game timestamp 493685972.600.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 65 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-245.03 oy195.87 oz-408.79 h157.5. Game timestamp 493686004.075.
80. This door is too far forward so there is a gap behind it
You are on [EN] Evernight server 65 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-235.54 oy218.19 oz-408.67 h303.8. Game timestamp 493686064.760.
81. Door slightly floats
You are on [EN] Evernight server 65 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-333.50 oy57.62 oz-388.79 h184.2. Game timestamp 493686327.972.
82. Very slightly floating dwarf
You are on [EN] Evernight server 65 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-302.70 oy107.24 oz-388.28 h63.3. Game timestamp 493686380.080.
83. Not really landscape but the last boss in Sword-hall of Dol Guldur called Durkar after doing his central AOE he will make the corresponding sound and animation on loop for the rest of the fight which is quite annoying
84. Another door that is too far forward
You are on [EN] Evernight server 65 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-194.07 oy60.03 oz-388.42 h313.6. Game timestamp 493686479.816.
85. This bit of floor isn't aligned correctly like the rest and carpets don't align either
You are on [EN] Evernight server 65 at r4 lx2016 ly1376 cInside ox-221.82 oy133.75 oz-388.30 h143.4. Game timestamp 493686525.604.
86. These wall pieces are aligned correctly on all 4 corners above/ceiling and below (8 places)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 74 at r2 lx110 ly1385 ox136.93 oy29.98 oz238.98 h12.7. Game timestamp 493686752.198.
You are on [EN] Evernight server 74 at r2 lx110 ly1387 ox137.51 oy72.03 oz238.98 h355.8. Game timestamp 493686768.891
87. Gundabad mirrors have water which doesn't react to players or make sounds (could be a limitation of having the water be part of the wider model so it isn't technically water?)
You are on [EN] Evernight server 42 at r2 lx347 ly751 ox72.56 oy142.06 oz1001.33 h173.0. Game timestamp 493686937.149.
89. The mirrors have a couple untextured parts (also their arms don't have sloped hit boxes even though they are not sloped could be intended to stop players jumping on them?
You are on [EN] Evernight server 42 at r2 lx347 ly750 ox60.78 oy135.27 oz1002.53 h263.0. Game timestamp 493687150.439.
An issue that I keep seeing in Cardolan is with distant imposters. The distant trees aren't loading, only wireframe models. It makes the landscape look more fallout-like as the trees all look dead. I submitted a bug report a while ago but still hasn't gotten fixed.
It may have been my ###### machine, but when I rode north and parallel to the Greenway, I noticed dark rectangular tiles in the skybox that definitely did not belong there. There were two groups of them, one at about two o' clock, one - slightly larger - more to the east, and they always kept the same distance to my character.
Greetings, Polymachos
Räuberhöhle auf Belegaer, Breelandsiedlung, Ochsbott, Lange Straße 5. Vorsicht, Fallen!
Awkward Anomalities Arena in Breeland Homesteads, 6 Long Street, Ersward (Landroval) - Elderslade under attack!
Scared people tend to follow the flock, no matter which shepherd it has
There is a coded limit on the number of distant imposters that can be a part of the landscape. With more verdant areas, we can sometimes hit the cap on that, and "oddities" occur. For U35 - I removed imposters from a handful of bush assets to free up a TON of imposters for bigger assets such as trees. Hopefully, this change will help resolve imposter oddities in a number of places across the game world.