We introduce you to our The Lord of The Rings Online Discord in the thread here .

The Lord of the Rings Online - Community Discord

Our Discord always supports the latest information about the game as well as some other stuff.
Players of any language can participate in our Discord.
We have recently been called HDRO-Community. But now we are open for all players.

You can talk about PVMP or roleplay but also post Middle Earth screenshots. But also talk in voice. We have done a lot in the past days to give you a good feeling.

What do you have to do to join?

The first thing you need is a free Discord account.

After that you join via this link :https://discord.gg/wJbsSkv7H7 to

To get all the information you should read through the information channel!

After that you choose your roles via Reaction and you will be unlocked for your channels

We look forward to seeing you !