With the IFA change red burglar feels a bit clunkier in certain situations
>Getting "Skill not ready" prompt when trying to use IFA after GA,
resulting you having to wait ~1s to use IFA even if it isn't on cooldown after using GA,
nearly same situation with Aim after using IFA
>>IFA and Aim -> Fast skill
IFA buff being able to double proc on FB+Des combo by disabling attacks before casting FB
It works the same as Aim double proc by using Des' Immediate skill type to give the extra damage to both Flashing Blades and Double-edged Strike.
The way it works is cool and if done by hand it is impressive, but it's unreliable even if you decide to macro it, locking a lot of Burglar's
damage behind things such as server performance. I recommend streamlining this mechanic to make it more reliable and obvious resulting in a more
stable damage output.
I propose the following change for the future
>Aim and IFA from current form of only one ability getting buffed into any skill in a time window of 1.5-2s to keep the desired effect of getting
auto crit (from Aim) and increased damage for multiple skills
>>For the Auto Crit part for Surprise Strike and Cunning Attack in IFA, those should stay as one time only, since the availability of the effect is limited
This will take away one way to show your mastery of the class, but it is still just that; one way out of many.
Other ways you can display your mastery might include:
>Remaining alert to your positioning relative to your targets and to your rotation, which is dictated by the randomness of critical hits
>Being precise with the timing of your rotation
>Making sure you are staying safe in fights and playing the mechanics when required
They may seem obvious to more skilled players, but they are things that you have to respect despite of your skill level.
Closing thoughts
Damage seems impressive on dummy tests, but more practical tests need to be completed, you aren't always just sitting comfortable behind a dummy.
I can see red Burglar specializing in taking care of medium sized adds alone or with someone that isn't a tank in group content.
Red Burglar has strong dps buffs on a short cooldown and really good survivability with Provoke, Knives Out, Touch and Go and Ready and Able so
working alone a bit outside of the group wouldn't be an issue.
It makes sense for a class with a loadout like that to hold the biggest burst and highest dps for the first minutes of a fight
and the assassin like playstyle does fit the class.
This doesn't mean red Burglar shouldn't be able to be competitive with other dps classes in sustained dps but you have to give up at least something to gain something
and it always isn't about the over all dps parse in the fight, but rather the imporant burst like moments spread inside the fight.