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Results 1 to 3 of 3
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    since reset on October 26, 2022 lag horrible

    I can't even quest or pick up quest even calling my LM pet out takes 30 seconds in Vernozal. Unplayable today due to lag.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Same here. And now I got Reduced Awareness when questing out in nowhere.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    1 month later and the lag is still very bad.

    Returned to the game around 2 years ago with two friends. After a couple of weeks we all stopped and cancelled subs. We just got so tired watching our toons lagging, teleporting and what not around the place. When we passed other players in landscape/towns peoples toons lag/jump/port around you.
    For the last month I have quested through Rohan and really like the story, quests and mounted combat but damn it's annoying to get ported around/stuck in rocks, fences, walls etc.

    I would lile to get my friends playing again but can't really tell them anything as approved concerning the lag etc.
    My newest Sub is running out soon and I don't think I will re-sub or buy newer expansions past Mordor since the lag is really killing this really nice game - even as a single player game.

    I know there is mulitple post about this - but I hope by bringing user feedback maybe the Devs will try to fix this cause your game is really good and a blast of a storyline. I would gladly sub on a monthly basis but not when the lag is so insanely bad.

    Fingers crossed "X"




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