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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Any way to not annihilate everything at lower levels?

    Hey everybody. Really interested in playing a brawler, my main is a LM so kind of the complete opposite side of the spectrum in terms of class design. My only real problem with it is the leveling experience at lower levels. My brawler's around level 13 right now and just flat out annihilating every mob. It feels like I'm RP'ing one punch man out here on these uruks in swanfleet.

    Are there any general tips to avoid this? I'm running with shield of the hammerhand/the rohan pocket item, so those are absolutely inflating my stats a bit. Do folks just stick to orange level quests as they level up to mitigate this problem and stay efficient, or is there another solution that I'm missing?

    Again, really love the class aesthetic/fantasy, and the moment to moment gameplay is also super fun (when everything isn't getting turned into flesh paste in 1-2 hits).

  2. #2
    Whohaz_Duhrang's Avatar
    Whohaz_Duhrang is offline Father Of Dwarves Within The Evernight...
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    Praying They Implement A Difficulty Setting Specifically For This (to select)., You Cannot Tread Middle-Earth After Being Max Level, Or Higher Than The Zones Level, Because You’ll One Shot Everything And Take 0 Aggro., Makes Playing With Underlevels Far From Enjoyable (it’s not even a thing) And Solo Landscape Really Boring.., Middle-Earth During The Time Of The Ring Is A Joke., They Could Easily Make It How It Should Be, Least Give Us The Option., To Make A Dangerous Road Full Of Many Perils, Not Mobs That Ignore You As You Pass By Them.

    A Difficulty Setting Thatd Make Enmies Do Percent Dmg And Take Percent Dmg., So Regardless Of Level, All Could Travel With One Another, And Provide Equal Strength And Utility To One Another., Rather Than Spamming Singular Keys To Wipe Out Enemies., Players Will / May Actually Need To Think How They Will Path And Initiate Fights..

    Haaaa The Dreams To Lead A Party (low and high levels) Across An (equally) Treacherous Middle-Earth… Dreams

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    They went a bit nuts by wanting to have EVERY SINGLE mob in existence in CardoSwan... so not only a new player will literally no longer run into anything brand new in terms of mobs in other zones but yeah, this has this side effect of... one-shoot some uruks no prob! Which feels a little bit silly, given the "Fighting Uruk Hai!" premise

    Some of that can be alleviated by landscape difficulty system on normal servers, but this would need to be streamlined well too... I doubt a "go to that NPC and switch" (and backtrack all the time to do that if you feel like you need to) is gonna do the trick with most players and newbies. The option should be somewhat self-evident and implemented as part of the UI



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