Originally Posted by
"Currently", but if the damage on the one trap is scaled, and piercing trap retains its healing element, both of these would be wholly invaluable, given that both would be AoE DoT effects, and piercing trap would restore morale on hits to every target currently suffering from the dot, these would be massive elements of primarily damage, and then off-healing support.

Originally Posted by
One of the traps (probably the one trap) could debuff targets damage, I think that would be a good fit, but you wouldn't want to go more than that.
Heal on hit for piercing currently scaled terrible too, but could be very good. It's funny the heal isn't % based like Captains/Lore-masters were so hasn't become overvalued in recent content. So it should be fine if bumped up to say 25k per hit?
I'm fully wanted hunter to be an alternative to yLM & yBurg. I'm not saying replace, but gives hunter a defensive option. Giving it at least 1 heal and 1 damage reduction skill should be priority and then it sets it in that zone.

Originally Posted by
The idea would obviously be that you would only use "decoy" when a tank dies, or get aggro off of a healer or another squishy target if the tank is out of range, I actually see this being incredibly useful considering it puts the hunter and others out of harms way. I also understood this to mean that "deadly decoy" would not have the taunt component, but Orion would need to clarify.
I believe the idea would be deadly decoy would explode faster and decoy would last longer.
Not trying to sound patronizing, just trying to explain. Thats now how decoy currently works and I don't see much change there.
Decoy DOES NOT taunt enemies.
Decoy DOES NOT copy aggro.
Decoy transfers some of the hunters aggro to the decoy after 1s of being deployed.
While decoy is up, each "tick" of it's AoE will so around 25k of "threat damage".
On live, once decoy dies it doesn't explode - if I'm not corrected I read that this will always happen once it goes now.
So decoy will never take the tanks aggro. It won't save your healers. Has little value if the tank dies, it's not saving the healer.
Decoys only use in a group is to die and drop it's stun+debuff. It has a rare use of adds spawning and grouping them up quickly, but any dps/healer/tank will likely gray the enemies straight away with any skill. In add waves like HH b2, you can be able to drop decoy before adds come on there position to make them target decoy first. But it loses aggro almost instantly to anything like hots.
Assuming Orion does put a force taunt on decoy (and not deadly decoy) they you could have duel usage. But even then, solo will likely want the easy stun + damage + debuff unless the decoy gets giga tanky.
The main issue with decoy is consistancy. You can't ensure it explodes on who you want, when you want it. Adding 5seconds reads like he's making it stay up longer so unless there is AoE that decoy will not hit.
I know I'm repeating this, but it's because it's super super obvious when you play yHunter. Make exploding arrow trigger deadly decoy explosion and keep it a stun. The combo is perfect.
Level 140: Burg, Captain, Guard, Brawler, Hunter, Lore-Master, Minstrel, Champ, Warden, Rune-Keeper, Beorning