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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    Within the depths of Othrongroth, the Great Barrow in the Barrow-downs of Cardolan, dwells a Gaunt-man of terrible power.

    Read more about Thadúr the Ravager and join post your comments here!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    Sheesh. You'd think if he was all that, he'd get some better clothes.

    [url=http://my.lotro.com/silverlocket/]Silverlocket's Big Ol' Bucket O' Blather[/url]

  3. #3

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    Let's see, he's that dead guy in the Great Barrow, right?

    Oh wait, they're all dead guys in the Great Barrow.

    Kinda hard to get into the details of that place -- too much noise and fight and lowbies learning how to play to really sit back and take in the story.

    -The Gneech
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    [url=http://www.gneech.com]Gneech.com[/url] - My writing, comics, and art.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    Really? A Great Barrows sub boss? Really?

    How about some Moria goodness? How about some Lorien teasers? Even an in-depth lore article about the Rift or Annuminas or Forochel or Goblin-town would be awesome.

    But Great Barrow? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard

  5. #5

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    I thought it was an interesting read, thanks Clover!

    [COLOR=sandybrown][B]Cheynne Baye[/B] [/COLOR][COLOR=sienna](Guardian)[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna][B][COLOR=sandybrown]Coriss Baye[/COLOR][/B] (Minstrel)[/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown][B]Chessy Baye[/B] [/COLOR][COLOR=sienna](Hunter)[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna][B][COLOR=sandybrown]Layne Baye[/COLOR][/B] (Burglar)[/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown][B]Baenori Baye[/B] [/COLOR][COLOR=sienna](Rune Keeper)[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna][B][COLOR=sandybrown]Aynn Baye[/COLOR][/B] (Lore Master)[/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown][B]Bronis Baye[/B] [/COLOR][COLOR=sienna](Warden)[/COLOR]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    Quote Originally Posted by gildhur View Post
    Really? A Great Barrows sub boss? Really?

    How about some Moria goodness? How about some Lorien teasers? Even an in-depth lore article about the Rift or Annuminas or Forochel or Goblin-town would be awesome.

    But Great Barrow? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    Come now... Not everyone is in Moria, and I for one found it an interesting read (if a bit short). I'd actually like to see more of the stories behind the lower-level instances. Like Gneech said, most of the lower instances are a bit too hectic to figure everything out as you go, especially with folks still not fully proficient in their classes. For that matter, the higher-end instances are a bit hectic, too :P

    I don't know about you, but I've heard Glath do her speech outside the balrog room so many times it's burned into my brain now.
    Last edited by Esheon; Jan 16 2009 at 06:04 PM.

  7. #7

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    Nice to see a bit of the background touched on here. I think the lore is an area that can be greatly expanded and visited more often in daily announcements. Need more writers Turbine?
    Galenhir Swordsong: Founder of Lonely Mountain Band, Ales & Tales & a SubCreator of Weatherstock... Music: http://www.minstrelsongs.com The Lonely Mountain Band: http://www.alesandtales.com https://www.facebook.com/SubCreator

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    I've done the Barrows numerous times and I had no idea who he was until you mentioned the part about the key. Then I said, "Oh yeah, him." Sambrog is memorable, this guy not so much.
    See if you can [url="http://lakini.mybrute.com"]defeat me[/url] in battle!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    This topic is so random and unexpected...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    I think what most people remember about this guys is that his scripting has a bug in it right now, where he disappears when his adds come out. (instead of walking back to his spot) Some of the low levels in my kin were doing this the other day and they thought he was re-setting, and gave up.

    And he drops that awesome braclet, Armband of Balance!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    These posts about the lower level bosses is like a stroll down memory lane.
    The GB was my old kins first big kin night event. It was a blast. We got 2 full groups, all kinnies, to go through and clear the instance.

    Fun times.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    Quote Originally Posted by gildhur View Post
    Really? A Great Barrows sub boss? Really?

    How about some Moria goodness? How about some Lorien teasers? Even an in-depth lore article about the Rift or Annuminas or Forochel or Goblin-town would be awesome.

    But Great Barrow? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    It seems a lot of new people have come to the game since MoM was released. Personally i've never seen the lonelands as busy as it has been recently, there are adventurers everywhere. In light of this i think it's totally a relevant topic to talk about Thadur and his ravagings. Nice work.
    "No, you are right. There is strength in these hobbits yet,
    and if they need to repel dangers from outside, they will do so."

    -Ranger Halros

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Thumbs up Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    I think he is the hardest in the barrow but plz dont nerf him its fun as a challenge i liked reading about his past
    Rawr! Oh yea i'm the hunter tank that made an all hunter turtle run! Jealous?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Middle-earth Feedback: Thadúr the Ravager

    I think if the barrow downs /GB were a bit later in the game and they made it a bit harder a lot more players would feel up too doing it, ya i get plenty of LFF's asking to do it when i cruise through Bree (many of them tells asking a lvl 60 such as myself to give a hand) but i know quite a few people that skip though areas like that entirely because its too annoying to get a consistent group sometimes, still i went in at lvl 16 while on my trial (yes its crazy) and got beaten so hard that all my armor fell off because I couldn't go repair it, it was ugly and scary but I finished it darn it and that halberd on a lvl 16 capt was SO freaken sweet
    Last edited by dandaron; Jan 22 2009 at 10:55 AM.
    Dandaron, R4 Captain on Bradywine
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