I am intrigued by the steady stream of NDA-breaking posts that have been turning up in these forums since the beta started. Some here, some in the F2P forum, and some in the various New Player Forums.
Presumably anyone who accepted a beta invitation received instructions on where to obtain the Bullroarer client, and how to access the Official Beta Forums. I am not in the beta, butI do have a copy of the Bullroarer client on my system from previous open betas, and every now and again I start it up so that it is up-to-date, just in case I do receive an invitation before the beta ends. When it starts up it puts up messages similar to those in the main client login window, with the exception that they contain things like links to the Official Beta Forums, and constant reminders that you are subject to an NDA.
Despite all this, people still seem to manage to come here and post questions in the main forums. and I was wondering why this is.
Do they:
- Get carried away by the excitement of being in the beta and simply forget their instructions?
- Never read the instructions in the first place?
- Have a cavalier disregard for the strictures of the NDA?
Since it is hard to imagine Turbine actually litigating against someone for posting "Is Bullroarer down?"in the General Discussion forum, one has to wonder what sanction might strike sufficient fear into a beta tester to ensure that they are punctilious in observing their obligations. Dismissal from the beta is probably the only real sanction that can be applied. Would forfeiture of any existing account be any more effective? In the current F2P beta, what would be an effective sanction for someone who does not currently have an account?
I'm not advocating such draconian measures, just wondering why it is that accidental NDA breaches occur, and what might prevent them. Deliberate breach is a wholly different matter, and that probably does require heavier measures.