I have been working on my guide lately and have been having a lot of frustrating problems the last few days.
Many times I will edit a section of my guide and attempt to save it. The page will reload, unsaved, saying "Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data. Please try again. If it still does not work, try logging out and logging back in."
I have tried re-saving the section after logging out and back in, staying logged in, waiting 5/10/15min, and even trying a different browser.
I have also cleared my cache multiple times to no effect.
Also, when I don't get the message above, I will often just get a blank white page. No 401, no error message, and page "appears" to have finished loading.
After multiple (anywhere from 2-20) page reloads and re-posts of the edited section...the edit finally saves.
What really makes it annoying, is I have absolutely no problem when I click on "Show Preview." It will draw up a preview page as if there is nothing wrong with the lorebook/internet connection.
I have not been having any internet trouble, as often I am running LOTRO in window'd mode while working on the guide. I have logged out occasionally to make sure being logged into the game isn't somehow causing the problem, but the problem persists when I am doing nothing online except adapting to edit my page.
My only guess would be related to the size of my guide and the sections that I edit with the multiple maps. Though, in the past I didn't seem to have any problems.
Out of curiosity, I uninstalled StumbleUpon...the only extension I had installed on Chrome. I then completly restarted my computer. Upon returning and attempting to re-edit the page and save, I once again received the "Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data. Please try again. If it still does not work, try logging out and logging back in."
After some more troubleshooting, I am am now 90% certain that my problem is related to the size of the section/edit. I do get the notice "Warning: This page is 32 kilobytes long; some browsers may have problems editing pages approaching or longer than 32kb. Please consider breaking the page into smaller sections," when I preview my edits. However, this hasn't seem to cause me any trouble saving the page until recently when I started making quite complicated maps.
I fear this to be a limitation of the site, but would like to get confirmation if possible. As well as a response to whether or not this can be changed/improved. If not, I will make do and find ways to make the sections and maps smaller or break the guide into multiple linked pages. I was just trying to avoid this as I didn't want to fill the lorebook with a ton of small pages just for 1 guide.
(forgive the multiple self-replies, just want to document my troubleshooting process for Turbine)
However, I am unable to edit the appropiate sub-section of the Chicken Session Guide to be just like it's individual page.
Again, I am fearing this a limitation of the site due to my extensive use of multiple maps on a single entry. If need by I will break the maps away from the main guide and give each section it's own custom page with links back and forth.
(Again, sorry for the multiple self replies but feel it necessary to document troubleshooting progression. Although I still await a Turbine response to the situation, I am aware some answers take time, especially over the weekends.)
Again, I am fearing this a limitation of the site due to my extensive use of multiple maps on a single entry. If need by I will break the maps away from the main guide and give each section it's own custom page with links back and forth.
If I've understood your thread correctly, this is likely the case. There is a lot of processing behind the scenes when it comes to the maps, and it could be you are running into a memory or PHP timeout issue.
I'll do a bit more testing, but I want to make sure I understand what it is you are trying to do. You are trying to add the content in http://lorebook.lotro.com/wiki/Chick...uide_Bree-Land into your larger guide, presumably in the 10.3 Bree-land section.
Yes, that was the initial intent. Too have everything on a single page. When I started having trouble, I created sub-pages that contained what I initially wanted in the corresponding sub-sections so I could continue until a definite answer/fix was given.
However, limitation or not, I am now debating with myself whether or not to continue the guide using the multiple page format. I have a feeling it should allow the main guide and subsequent pages to load much faster for those on a slower connection as well as when accessing the guide from within the game.
Don't worry too much about it. I have decided that separate pages for the maps is better. I never realized until recently how often I would try to scroll that page with the mouse wheel, only to end up over a map and zooming instead of scrolling. This will fix that minor inconvenience and speed up the loading of the page. It will also make it easier to make large full page edits with the maps on their own pages.