I think something basic is missing from the FAQ page, how do I enter?
I think something basic is missing from the FAQ page, how do I enter?
from the FAQ
You need to be on your my.lotro.com page, and logged in. If you do not see the widget, follow the directions listed in the guide linked above. Once you have the widget displayed click where it says to "Enter to Win the Lottery! Click Here".Lottery Widget does not appear on your my.lotro.com page
If you are not seeing the Lottery widget, you may need to enable it on your my.lotro.com page. To do so, please consult the Lorebook Guide. Please note, you must be logged into the community site for lotteries to display.
Also, moved this where it belongs.
Last edited by Sapience; Dec 20 2010 at 04:53 PM.
Generally a person will start with a question "How do I enter" not "how do I add a widget to my my.lotro.com page?"
Also IE9, does not show "more widgets" button, but FF, Opera, and Chrome appear to do ok. However when ever I try to actually enter anything. I get
" Error: An error occured while processing your request. We apologize for the inconvenience. "
i also found that if you are already logged in on My.Lotro.com... you have to log out and back in to get the widget icon to show... hope someone didnt already say this cause i did not scroll up lol
Is there no way to clear out the past winners from the list or do I really have to just keep looking thru them from last year?E
Couldn't see the widgets with IE8 but was able to see them Firefox.
Le sigh.
I'm using IE8 and couldn't see the "add widgets" until I turned compatibility view off (It's the button to the left of the refresh button, next to the address bar).
Hi adding my two cents in, can't find the widget adder no matter what I do in IE8, no luck in Chrome or Firefox either...
Love life, know peace. Follow truth, live free
They removed it because it permanently disabled lotteries for some people because of technical problems.
I'd really like to know who picked the software packages the new community non-site runs on.
I do not have a lottery widget or a widget adding icon.
Now what?
You can try one of the following:
Use the direct link - http://my.lotro.com/home/lottery
Disable "Compatibility View" if you are on IE. When the view is on, the more widget button will not appear.
Last edited by robnkarla; Dec 22 2010 at 06:20 PM.
[size=2][u][url="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?328837-Sauron-vs.-Tom-Bombadil"]Sauron vs. Tom Bombadil[/url][/u][COLOR="Red"] ♪♫[/color][COLOR="DarkOrange"]A fun what-if video I hope lightens your day[/color][COLOR="Red"]♫♪[/color][/size]
I have no, "add widgets," and when I go to the lottery page it says I have no eligible characters. My account is VIP so what's going on. I am on Chrome and I'm confused.