I've read so many threads lately where people were beginning to wonder about whether VIP was worth it or not I thought I would share what I miss since atm the hubby and I are not VIP due too some real life issues.
The hubby and I began playing LOTRO back before there was even a hint that LOTRO might become F2P. We both purchased SOA, MOM and SOM. I also got myself the adventurers pack for shared storage and a couple extra character slots. We played for a long time as VIP's even maintaining our subscriptions after the F2P changeover. Then real life happened and for reasons I'll not go into, we had to put our gaming subscriptions on hold for a bit. So here we are now, playing on our Premium accounts.
The first thing I noticed was I had to pick a character to lock out, because I hadn't unlocked them with tp.
I should mention that right after going premium I did unlock the ah slots with tp I had left over from my VIP sub time, I figured I would need a way to make money to pay for my personal and kin housing upkeep.
The second thing I missed about being VIP was crafting guild access. My wood worker was happily leveling her way through guild rep, and on the ally tier when we dropped our subs, finally I had maxed out ally but couldn't hit kindred because I was premium and hadn't purchased access to the guild. So I had to put that off for while, (time to grind tp) I eventually earned the TP to purchase access, but it was definitely not as easy as when I was VIP.
We were leveling a mini/guard team together, but we had to put them on hold for a while because they were questing in evendim, and well we didn't have the tp, to get evendim. (must grind more tp)
My LM was out in esteldin, I had to get her to the shire, no problem I'll just swift to bree first...oh wait (must grind more tp) no swift travel unlocked.
That's ok I'll level my warden, oh wait, she's in North downs(must grind tp) I haven't unlocked north downs yet, and oh yeah, no swift travel either. It's so annoying to get the little popup alert telling you that you need to purchase access to an area.
Well maybe I'll start another character and just level her for a while(grind tp while leveling). Geeze I have to run back to town every 10 minutes because my bags are full and I only have 3 of them.
My friend logged on and struck up a conversation with me, after a few moments I was getting the annoying message that I was sending messages too quickly and should slow down...that never happened when I was VIP.
At the moment we can't yet enjoy the new content because we haven't been able to purchase enedwaith yet. We have been grinding tp like mad the past few days, and believe me it's very grindy..I think I have shire blindness from doing deeds in the shire on multiple toons repeatedly.
Anyway we are looking forward to re-subbing as soon as real life allows, and will definitely be keeping access because not having vip access after having it feels very, very, restricted.