My website http://lotrogear.appspot.com/ shows lorebook items in a slightly different way. For it to work I use data from data.lotro.com, which works great.
To get an items data from data.lotro.com you need an ID and since i list all items i need the IDs of ALL armour/weapons/jewellery in the game. Now, the ONLY way Ive figured out how to get the IDs of all items is to use the lorebooks own JSON queries (the ones used in advanced search) and pick the IDs out of the rel attributes in the returned data.
The problem though is recently newer items dont have their ID listed in that JSON data. Is there any helpful turbine folks that can fix this one? - if not, my site is pretty much screwed
P.S. Example JSON query. Run it and notice in the results the first few 'Archer' items rel attr is empty