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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Thumbs up Post those ideas here!

    ZOMBIE, PLEASE read this AGAIN!

    UPDATE-UPDATE-UPDATE-UPDAT (Read before posting)

    Lighting skills (Maybe frost also) range upraded to 30m(or when traited somehow!!!!), this is something Rks have needed a long time, especially when minnies have 30m range too, it is NOT fair game!

    -As ZC replied to my post, im going to modify these ideas and mix them a little:

    -Cricital rating from Will instead of fate, especially as most gear doesnt have fate and if they do, its 60^^ which is 100crit rating.

    Mono-stat classes are the exception, not the rule we want.
    -Make will give atleast 1 cricital rating then!

    -Fall to XXXX skills animation could be a little quickier, ofc i can get that 1,5k dmg off them, but on the same i could have done 1k 1k 1k with CA with luck.

    It can be cast pre-combat when soloing and doesn't draw aggro. There is no need to have this be any stronger. Use it while soloing!
    -Combining them works as in ose post suggested, but what should it be like while combined? Fall To Our Wrath: 5% incoming tactical damage to target, on any damage 30% chance to daze/dot/slow(daze 1s, DoT 100 50 damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds and slow 10% for 10 seconds) target and do 1000-2000 AFFINITY damage.

    -Armour of storm, add a bubble to it and make it match mini one >_<

    This would make it better then the mini. I prefer skills that are different but preform similar functions.
    -Does this mean we DO get a bubble? A little sneak peek wouldnt hurt :3 (I'd like it to be 1min CD 2-3k morale, Attunement shift ONLY 2 or 3, otherwise i kill myself)

    -self motivation, scale the power from it and shorten CD.

    Buffing both would be OP, but one...
    -Then make it atleast 2k every 2 minutes or 1k every 1 min, something that makes is Decent, but not OP! (Insta cast when traited or something)

    -Icy discourse, insta cast PLZ ZC, PLEASEEEE :3

    70% snare on instant cast? Nope!
    -Make the trait make it insta cast and 50% slow and after any damage 30% slow (non-traited stays the same as it is now untraited) If you think this is OP, dont you know Bas can do the same, 40% slow 14seconds insta cast when in skirm stance??)

    -Stone...oh my little 2k morale friend who heals 50 every 3 seconds....I want you to heal more....MORE!!! and heal power too!

    Also, why ask to enhance another "just remember to click it every 60s skill when you've asked to have that changed earlier in your own post?
    -Are you serious??? 50 morale every 3 seconds is 100% worthless **** Lets use math: You are in a 6 man grp, and boss fight begins, fight takes 5 minutes and stone is there always: 30 seconds 500 healed, one minute 1000 healed, 5k heal per person in the fight=6x5000=30000=100HPS, Yes it is good in a raid, but when in moors, you move all time, its worthless, so if you are not in for the increased healing...Make it into a all group HoT that follows you everywhere you go, this way we dont have to click it every 60s and use that 300 power it takes! I am sure MANY would agree with this! (if you didnt understand, its kind of a stance?)

    -prelude stay the same, but tick every 2 seconds.

    Nope. Why though? Do you really need 33% more healing from this skill? Why? Why this skill?

    -Writ of health, Castable on move and tick to 2 seconds too (Possibly no attunement reguired, but that goes to the level of OP)

    Reducing pulse times increases HPS. RKs have NO problems with HPS. Why would I even consider such a change? If I'm going to buff something, it will be in the areas of utility, not HPS.
    -Ok then, dont buff those, then you MUST let us do the MV with any attunement!

    -MV induction shortened or made do-able on move for cost of the heal. (as many fights on RoI need moving, ALOT)

    Sounds good.
    -Ok this must be doable on move, let the animation stay the same so its not SO spammable, Mine heals now 400, 150 every 2 seconds afterwards for 10 seconds (traited) Change it so when its not traited, insta heal is 200 and HoT is 70 for 4 seconds(Power cost 200), when traited it becomes back a GOOD heal, Instant 300 and 150 every 2 seconds for 10 seconds (power cost 100-150, if its bigger, it become the ultimate power drain!)[Could be edited to fit with the improved self motivation](this may become OP in moors becouse it is easy to trait, but it CAN be tested!) All i want is a good heal castable on move that matches minis 5 HoTs!

    -I want the old EC!!!!

    Never. Sorry!
    -Make the damage buffs a little higher then atleast, 30% is ''lame'' 20% 20% wold be BETTER and 25% 25% EVEN more, and many RKs would like it!

    ZOMBIE, PLEASE read this AGAIN!

    -Bobo The Real
    Last edited by marlwyn; Feb 20 2012 at 07:41 AM. Reason: Editing bad ideas and adding new ones

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    my soul BURNS for an insta cast chilling rhetoric. additionally if we could trait it to AoE even as some sorta cold legendary i would be a happy man

    additionally, a lot of the excitement of lightning was the OMFG DID YOU SEE THAT $%*#!!!!!!! that applied to EC, it was rare but after seeing the number.... your day was complete! i like constant crits.... i won't argue there, but i truly miss the awe inspiring, terror inducing RAW POWER of a godly EC DEV.

    could we roll fang/wound into the same skill kinda like lm's rolled all their circles into 1. also increase the duration..... spamming it every minute is much like calming verse. also, dismounting every 50 seconds in the moors to keep them up (NECESSARY if you want to live) is very painful.

    to that end, getting fall to our wrath and fall to X rolled into 1 would be nice, the legendary could act as a modification to fall to X. negating the need to cast twice, and potentially freeing us up for a new skill.

    making the effect of flurry of words a high-power consuming Aura would be boss, heck make it the same cost as all fates entwined, if you did this, rk QQ about wargs would instantly cease. it's what we use it for anyway, it just would make it good to use.
    Belolth Hisses with fury as venom drips from his maw, scorching the earth, "come manling, my brood hungers!"

    Broodlord of Ungoliant's Hatchlings, Devourer of souls.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Wow you didnt tell me how my ideas are OP....I LOVE YOU good ideas also btw!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    -Cricital rating from Will instead of fate, especially as most gear doesnt have fate and if they do, its 60^^ which is 100crit rating.

    Mono-stat classes are the exception, not the rule we want.

    -Scale martial training or change it all over to something caster-friendly!

    Sounds good.

    -Fall to our wrath...buff it, the commong damage from it is a fail and tactical resist rating a little bit also.

    Sounds good.

    -Fall to XXXX skills animation could be a little quickier, ofc i can get that 1,5k dmg off them, but on the same i could have done 1k 1k 1k with CA with luck.

    It can be cast pre-combat when soloing and doesn't draw aggro. There is no need to have this be any stronger. Use it while soloing!

    -Armour of storm, add a bubble to it and make it match mini one >_<

    This would make it better then the mini. I prefer skills that are different but preform similar functions.

    -self motivation, scale the power from it and shorten CD.

    Buffing both would be OP, but one...

    -Calming verse.....well its under work alrdy, thanks ZC.


    -The blade/fang, Insta cast wouldnt hurt, of longer duration! Has same problem as calmign verse, needs constant spamming and easily forgotten.

    The intense backlash against increases in attunement costs has told me that RKs do indeed feel that a skill that pulls 3 towards neutral is a non-trivial costs. As such, when comparing CV to blade/fang, the former was essentially a required cast regardless of cost, while the latter is only worth the cost if debuffs are a know danger. As such, I am comfortable with the CD/duration on blade/fang. Though I am going to buff it a bit...


    -I want the old EC!!!!

    Never. Sorry!

    -Cricital multiplier gear to gear, could possibly come from master of XXXX trait, whatever zombie does to them.

    Critical magnitude gear is gone.

    -Faster inductions, I (finally ) realised that i can double my fire dps by putting the dots to more than one mob, it works nicely, but FR induct should be a little shorter imo.

    If you want fast inductions, do not play fire Not every class is for every player. Not every playstyle needs to be loved by everyone!

    -Icy discourse, insta cast PLZ ZC, PLEASEEEE :3

    70% snare on instant cast? Nope!

    -MV induction shortened or made do-able on move for cost of the heal. (as many fights on RoI need moving, ALOT)

    Sounds good.

    -Stone...oh my little 2k morale friend who heals 50 every 3 seconds....I want you to heal more....MORE!!! and heal power too!

    Also, why ask to enhance another "just remember to click it every 60s skill when you've asked to have that changed earlier in your own post?

    -prelude stay the same, but tick every 2 seconds.

    Nope. Why though? Do you really need 33% more healing from this skill? Why? Why this skill?

    -Writ of health, Castable on move and tick to 2 seconds too (Possibly no attunement reguired, but that goes to the level of OP)

    Reducing pulse times increases HPS. RKs have NO problems with HPS. Why would I even consider such a change? If I'm going to buff something, it will be in the areas of utility, not HPS.

    additionally, a lot of the excitement of lightning was the OMFG DID YOU SEE THAT $%*#!!!!!!! that applied to EC, it was rare but after seeing the number.... your day was complete! i like constant crits.... i won't argue there, but i truly miss the awe inspiring, terror inducing RAW POWER of a godly EC DEV.

    I think the spike/burst damage of lightning is in a good spot. It's not as spikey as it was in the good old days, but those highs and lows meant very inconsistent DPS. I am more interested in adding some extra variety into lightning.

    could we roll fang/wound into the same skill kinda like lm's rolled all their circles into 1. also increase the duration..... spamming it every minute is much like calming verse. also, dismounting every 50 seconds in the moors to keep them up (NECESSARY if you want to live) is very painful.

    I'll think about it some more.

    to that end, getting fall to our wrath and fall to X rolled into 1 would be nice, the legendary could act as a modification to fall to X. negating the need to cast twice, and potentially freeing us up for a new skill.

    Sounds good.

    making the effect of flurry of words a high-power consuming Aura would be boss, heck make it the same cost as all fates entwined, if you did this, rk QQ about wargs would instantly cease. it's what we use it for anyway, it just would make it good to use.

    Squishy casters should QQ about steath melee dps in PvP

    Last edited by Zombie_Columbus; Feb 19 2012 at 03:20 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zombie_Columbus View Post
    -Cricital rating from Will instead of fate, especially as most gear doesnt have fate and if they do, its 60^^ which is 100crit rating.

    Mono-stat classes are the exception, not the rule we want.

    -Scale martial training or change it all over to something caster-friendly!

    Sounds good.

    -Fall to our wrath...buff it, the commong damage from it is a fail and tactical resist rating a little bit also.

    Sounds good.

    -Fall to XXXX skills animation could be a little quickier, ofc i can get that 1,5k dmg off them, but on the same i could have done 1k 1k 1k with CA with luck.

    It can be cast pre-combat when soloing and doesn't draw aggro. There is no need to have this be any stronger. Use it while soloing!

    -Armour of storm, add a bubble to it and make it match mini one >_<

    This would make it better then the mini. I prefer skills that are different but preform similar functions.

    -self motivation, scale the power from it and shorten CD.

    Buffing both would be OP, but one...

    -Calming verse.....well its under work alrdy, thanks ZC.


    -The blade/fang, Insta cast wouldnt hurt, of longer duration! Has same problem as calmign verse, needs constant spamming and easily forgotten.

    The intense backlash against increases in attunement costs has told me that RKs do indeed feel that a skill that pulls 3 towards neutral is a non-trivial costs. As such, when comparing CV to blade/fang, the former was essentially a required cast regardless of cost, while the latter is only worth the cost if debuffs are a know danger. As such, I am comfortable with the CD/duration on blade/fang. Though I am going to buff it a bit...


    -I want the old EC!!!!

    Never. Sorry!

    -Cricital multiplier gear to gear, could possibly come from master of XXXX trait, whatever zombie does to them.

    Critical magnitude gear is gone.

    -Faster inductions, I (finally ) realised that i can double my fire dps by putting the dots to more than one mob, it works nicely, but FR induct should be a little shorter imo.

    If you want fast inductions, do not play fire Not every class is for every player. Not every playstyle needs to be loved by everyone!

    -Icy discourse, insta cast PLZ ZC, PLEASEEEE :3

    70% snare on instant cast? Nope!

    -MV induction shortened or made do-able on move for cost of the heal. (as many fights on RoI need moving, ALOT)

    Sounds good.

    -Stone...oh my little 2k morale friend who heals 50 every 3 seconds....I want you to heal more....MORE!!! and heal power too!

    Also, why ask to enhance another "just remember to click it every 60s skill when you've asked to have that changed earlier in your own post?

    -prelude stay the same, but tick every 2 seconds.

    Nope. Why though? Do you really need 33% more healing from this skill? Why? Why this skill?

    -Writ of health, Castable on move and tick to 2 seconds too (Possibly no attunement reguired, but that goes to the level of OP)

    Reducing pulse times increases HPS. RKs have NO problems with HPS. Why would I even consider such a change? If I'm going to buff something, it will be in the areas of utility, not HPS.

    additionally, a lot of the excitement of lightning was the OMFG DID YOU SEE THAT $%*#!!!!!!! that applied to EC, it was rare but after seeing the number.... your day was complete! i like constant crits.... i won't argue there, but i truly miss the awe inspiring, terror inducing RAW POWER of a godly EC DEV.

    I think the spike/burst damage of lightning is in a good spot. It's not as spikey as it was in the good old days, but those highs and lows meant very inconsistent DPS. I am more interested in adding some extra variety into lightning.

    could we roll fang/wound into the same skill kinda like lm's rolled all their circles into 1. also increase the duration..... spamming it every minute is much like calming verse. also, dismounting every 50 seconds in the moors to keep them up (NECESSARY if you want to live) is very painful.

    I'll think about it some more.

    to that end, getting fall to our wrath and fall to X rolled into 1 would be nice, the legendary could act as a modification to fall to X. negating the need to cast twice, and potentially freeing us up for a new skill.

    Sounds good.

    making the effect of flurry of words a high-power consuming Aura would be boss, heck make it the same cost as all fates entwined, if you did this, rk QQ about wargs would instantly cease. it's what we use it for anyway, it just would make it good to use.

    Squishy casters should QQ about steath melee dps in PvP

    Why is it other classes don't ever get this kind of attention/feedback/buffing ?

    404 - Burglar not found

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    To be honest, i wouldn´t expect ZC to answer many ideas, and clearly not this one . But thanks ZC for being communicative here, i honestly thank it Way to go.
    Also featuring: Saril, lvl 75 Human Loremaster, Dirgations lvl 75 Human Champion.
    Phoenix Legion kin, Laurelin Server.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Faithknight View Post
    Why is it other classes don't ever get this kind of attention/feedback/buffing ?
    *cough* Minstrels *cough*
    A small cog in a big machine.

    Life has no "Undo" button, only "I'm sorry". Thinking before doing is a good thing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Faithknight View Post
    Why is it other classes don't ever get this kind of attention/feedback/buffing ?
    Wardens, Minis, and Champs do. So sad for the cappies.
    I like ice cream.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Zombie, several of us have posted regarding changing frost spells in some way while healing attuned to allow us do some nominal to moderate debuffing in raid situations while healing. How do you feel about this as a complement to mini buffing while healing?

    You commented on the idea posted for flurry of words but didn't really say if you agree it should be changed. It's a fairly useless skill as it is right now, and even in the moors the duration is very short.

    The threat reduction on distracting winds is REALLY small. I posted numbers and a test I did showing it to be around 4k damage worth of aggro I believe. Did this scale with RoI? And if not, do you think it can? It used to be very nice for dropping some aggro if you pulled.

    Can you separate the damage reduction from the morale bubble effect for word of exhaltation? It's really disappointing to have lost the 30% mitigation, but in most raids on a tank, you get maybe 5 seconds out of the bubble which is doubly disappointing. Even if you just keep it at 20% (traited) having it last the full time regardless of the morale component would be nice.

    Do you have any plans to change steady hands? Our Legendary traits in general seem a bit weak outside of the capstones. TWDNKU could really use a boost, it doesn't scale with OHR or any of the healing % modification buffs. It also can't crit. 200 morale per second on the fellowship is really kind of lame for an emergency use type skill. It'd be nice to have 1 5m cooldown like Essay of Exhaltation, and then the cd on TWDNKU raised a bit maybe so its potency could be closer to Fellowship's Heart.

    I think that's most of what I have.

    Edit: Let a bad word get censored, changed to lame :P
    Last edited by Ellery01; Feb 19 2012 at 04:12 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Post those ideas here!


    Yes im here again, this time with not so OP ideas! (just joking :3)

    Neutral skills and legendary traits:

    -Cricital rating from Will instead of fate, especially as most gear doesnt have fate and if they do, its 60^^ which is 100crit rating.

    -Scale martial training or change it all over to something caster-friendly!

    -Fall to our wrath...buff it, the commong damage from it is a fail and tactical resist rating a little bit also.

    -Fall to XXXX skills animation could be a little quickier, ofc i can get that 1,5k dmg off them, but on the same i could have done 1k 1k 1k with CA with luck.

    -Armour of storm, add a bubble to it and make it match mini one >_<

    -self motivation, scale the power from it and shorten CD.

    -Calming verse.....well its under work alrdy, thanks ZC.

    -The blade/fang, Insta cast wouldnt hurt, of longer duration! Has same problem as calmign verse, needs constant spamming and easily forgotten.


    -I want the old EC!!!!

    -Cricital multiplier gear to gear, could possibly come from master of XXXX trait, whatever zombie does to them.


    -Faster inductions, I (finally ) realised that i can double my fire dps by putting the dots to more than one mob, it works nicely, but FR induct should be a little shorter imo.


    -Icy discourse, insta cast PLZ ZC, PLEASEEEE :3

    (-Fix the power cost thingy versus creeps, i heard its not working, but not sure yet)


    -MV induction shortened or made do-able on move for cost of the heal. (as many fights on RoI need moving, ALOT)

    -Stone...oh my little 2k morale friend who heals 50 every 3 seconds....I want you to heal more....MORE!!! and heal power too!

    -prelude stay the same, but tick every 2 seconds.

    -Writ of health, Castable on move and tick to 2 seconds too (Possibly no attunement reguired, but that goes to the level of OP)

    Yeah thats it, flame and troll as much as you want, just read my sig before doing it >_>

    Last edited by marlwyn; Feb 20 2012 at 07:11 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Faithknight View Post
    Why is it other classes don't ever get this kind of attention/feedback/buffing ?
    Yeah it would be pretty cool if they re-structured the Captain to be able to heal, DPS, or tank effectively. Also that silly
    Shield Brother toggle is kind of lame, it doesn't even shield them! They might as well make 3 versions of it!

    Oh wait...

    On topic, RK is one of my least played alts and these changes might make me want to pick it up again Keep up the good work.
    [color=green][b]Gloarn[/b][/color] 80 Burglar [color=grey]|[/color] [color=green][b]Glorn[/b][/color] 75 Champion [color=grey]|[/color] [color=green][b]Gloirn[/b][/color] 75 Rune-keeper [color=grey]|[/color] [color=green][b]Glourn[/b][/color] 75 Captain
    [color=brown][b]Glarnakh[/b][/color] R7 Warleader [color=grey]|[/color] [color=brown][b]Glarno[/b][/color] R6 Reaver

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    AW: Post those ideas here!

    I really like channeled skills! Actually it was one of my favorite parts of the goblin shaman in warhammer online
    In my opinion the runekeeper would be a lot more fun if Smouldering Wrath gets rid of his attunement requirements and his stuffy cooldown. 10 Seconds or less should be enough.
    I really wanna use the skill in fights but most of the time the mob is either dead before I reach the requirements or I have only 1 or 2 used inductions/pips/dots and then I get penalized with its high cooldown. Not very effective at the moment... not much fun.
    Edit: Maybe it would make sense if the skill gets a atunes over time effect. 1 attune every 3 sec or so..
    Last edited by Schinderhannes; Feb 19 2012 at 04:37 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Good to hear some feedback from Zombie about the ideas the players have for RK class.. keep up the good work, BUT (you know there was a but, dint you? ) I'm still not quite sold on playing my RK again, dont get me wrong, this is a very solid update to the RK but it still misses the something that makes me want to play it again.


    We can get our DPS rotation and buffing rotation to much more fun but it has no use if we cant survive few simple attacks in the end-game content. So I'm asking you.. please give us atleast ONE self-survivability skill with a reasonable cooldown, with that I think playing RK would be fun again, for me atleast.

    Best idea ive got is to turn Word of Exaltation into a self-bubble with steady attunement cost, same cooldown as it is now but remove the Writh of Health stuff of it, so basically a 3-4k self-bubble with 1min 30sec cooldown, 15secs duration. Even with this little update into survivablity I think people would enjoy playing RK much more again. And if you trait the blue trait "Author of Exaltation" you can use the bubble on anyone and the duration is increased by 5 seconds just like now.
    Last edited by Anoir; Feb 19 2012 at 04:51 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Hope something similar is happening for hunters soon.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Hai ZC. Big fan here.

    So... hum. When your're done with the *cough* Lore-breakers *cough* would you mind give huntars some love? Scaling that firecamp would be lovely. Or even Press Backwards.

    No rush. Theres not big drama blackout yet (I told the boys we should do that kind of blackmail but they are... huntars).

    P.S Dont get me wrong, Tolkien Banes deserve some buffing; just yesterday I took a 5k EC in the ### on my 60% mit WL. Something is clearly wrong.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    AW: Re: Post those ideas here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Leonide View Post
    P.S Dont get me wrong, Tolkien Banes deserve some buffing; just yesterday I took a 5k EC in the ### on my 60% mit WL. Something is clearly wrong.
    Hope your rage about "Lorebreaker" isn´t serious

    Apart from that, we want something completly different - surviveability and utility

    We leave one-shotting Creeps to Hunters and their greater brothers Dunedain Rangers

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    AW: Re: Post those ideas here!

    Vincent van Port "Held der fliegenden Feder" R13 before 2013!
    Collector of superb posts.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: AW: Re: Post those ideas here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris91 View Post
    Hope your rage about "Lorebreaker" isn´t serious

    Apart from that, we want something completly different - surviveability and utility

    We leave one-shotting Creeps to Hunters and their greater brothers Dunedain Rangers
    You´re forgetting minstrels
    Also featuring: Saril, lvl 75 Human Loremaster, Dirgations lvl 75 Human Champion.
    Phoenix Legion kin, Laurelin Server.

  20. #20

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Feraxks View Post
    Wardens, Minis, and Champs do. So sad for the cappies.
    Squeaky wheels, and all that. Captains are in a pretty good place, so we don't really need a major revision pass, plus there aren't any pressing issue we need an immediate response on. (Except maybe the Echoing Shout deed bug, but supposedly the fix for that is already being pushed through.)
    Cainwen Ciaphas, Captain of Crickhollow, HERO OF MIDDLE EARTH!!!
    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My opinions are my own!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Leonide View Post
    Hai ZC. Big fan here.

    So... hum. When your're done with the *cough* Lore-breakers *cough* would you mind give huntars some love? Scaling that firecamp would be lovely. Or even Press Backwards.

    No rush. Theres not big drama blackout yet (I told the boys we should do that kind of blackmail but they are... huntars).

    P.S Dont get me wrong, Tolkien Banes deserve some buffing; just yesterday I took a 5k EC in the ### on my 60% mit WL. Something is clearly wrong.
    You have to admit, there's a certain amount of irony to a hunter player using a 5k EC as an example of why RKs are perfectly fine.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    ~*~Ryssawyn~*~ (RK)
    Acheros (LM) Glitzen (Guard)
    Snozzberries Defiler of great taste.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ellery01 View Post
    You have to admit, there's a certain amount of irony to a hunter player using a 5k EC as an example of why RKs are perfectly fine.
    Seriously. Especially when proper hunters are regularly hitting 11-12K heart seekers again. But don't tell ZC, they don't want to get nerfed again.
    ~*~Ryssawyn~*~ (RK)
    Acheros (LM) Glitzen (Guard)
    Snozzberries Defiler of great taste.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ellery01 View Post
    You have to admit, there's a certain amount of irony to a hunter player using a 5k EC as an example of why RKs are perfectly fine.
    I do admit

    P.S. Yes, Lore-breakers was intended as humor.

    P.S.2 And still RK>Huntars in PVP. Good RK can kill me. A very good hunter is going to die.

    P.S3 Regular 11-12k HS? Stop lying please. 7k thats more of a regular devastate. And HS is an induction skill. EC is instant. I see a HUGE difference.
    Last edited by Leonide; Feb 19 2012 at 07:15 PM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Post those ideas here!

    You also fail to notice that EC is 20meter range and HS is 40meter range, plus the fact that you dont need to wait to get those stupid lightning buffs to perform an simple HS.

    And no, I dont want to create a awesome QQ war with Epic Conc vs. HS, so lets just leave it to that. If you must compare them create a new topic and go fight over there.


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