Bound Items - Why?!
This has been bugging me for some time now but tonight when I received some Welcome Wagon lottery winnings with some alts on Firefoot that I've started playing again, it just ticked me off enough to stop and come on here to post...
Two of my characters won the Welcome Wagon which included a Sturdy Forester's Axe - Level 13, -0.9% - which is not quite as good as the Superior Iron but acceptable, especially for characters who have been sitting since just after launch and are not rolling in coin (to put it mildly). Only problem was that neither character had the Forester Profession. The Tooltip showed Bound to Account which was just like the ones that you can purchase from the store. I thought, "Sweet. I'll put them into shared storage and give them to the characters who can use them." I put them in, ran the envelopes, then switched to the first Forester character. Upon attempting to remove the first axe from storage, I got the aggravating 'BONK' and the message That item is bound to another character and the tooltip showed Bound to {character name}<character><character name="">.</character></character>
What the 'BLEEP' is this all about? I've had other items from the lotteries do the same thing. They show Bound to Account and then switch to Bound to Character when you put it into shared storage. Not all items do it, but enough to get really aggravating. What is the sense in this? Those Axes are totally worthless to a character who can't use them so why bind them to the character in a random lottery winning? Same with many of the other items that I've seen do this. C'mon Sapience. Unbind these lottery items for crying out loud.
/Vent Off
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