I am amazed at the amount of Turbine apologists there are. This company has continuously screwed over it's player base, and yet people still defend this company to nail and bone, and I am trying to figure out why.
Before my rant continues, let me first start off saying I love this game, it's been my favorite video game EVER and I want to continue on playing it, but I am 100% dissatisfied with Turbine as a whole.
1)There general lack of communication with the player base is astounding. I can't imagine being on the PR side of Turbine/WB, I imagine it's a living hell. I feel like the pre-orders for Rohan came out WAY to early considering the amount of information we have received about it. Then when we (the players) request more information about things we don't hear about it at all.
2)The cost for this EXPANSION (not game, hence the emphasis on expansion) is so ridiculously high I nearly deleted my account when I saw it. 70 dollars for the top package, that's more than the cost of a new game on any console out there. And come September, there won't be any instances with it for probably another 1-2 months after release. We were told a 6th inventory bag would be coming with the pre-order, little did we know we would be having to pay for the most expensive one out there. Even still 40 dollars is too much, that's nearly as much as I paid for the top pre-order for Isengard. Not pre-ordering until the price drops.
3)Turbine not only doesn't deliver what's they have promised to us, but they are dishonest. Ever since Mirkwood there has been talk about a new PvMP map, and PvMP overhaul, and there has been no such thing. The commendation system they implemented is a huge fail in and of itself, and the moors is as unbalanced as ever.
4) It's been MONTHS since the lag came with update 6, and where are we at in fixing it? Nowhere near it, we don't even know what the problem is STILL! First they said it had nothing to do with their servers because everything was fine on their end (lol). We're still experiencing the lag and stable mount hitching Turbine!
Edit: Adding a 5th
5)Releasing buggy content. Dragon has been out for a long time now and that raid is still buggy. Anyone remember the pits of isengard (not the instance, the area in the cave in dunland) area? Remember how you couldn't navigate through there without falling through the dang floor? Ridiculous.
These are fice of the most important issues I've come across with Turbine. Trust me, I know there are PLENTY more to be added to the list (please do so if you would), but I am sick of it. I am sick of being used and treated like dirt when I've been a loyal paying defending customer for nearly 4 years. I'm sick of the dishonesty, I am sick with the lack of communication, and sick of the cr*p we go through all so you can make a pretty penny.
/sign if you are fed up with Turbine.