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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Is it possible to add your own photoshop* signature?

    I thought: "oh well, just 4 hours to do something else instead of playing lotro the whole day", when I saw the 'server maintenance' message... I started making my own signature in photoshop to kill some time.

    But when i try to edit my signature here it seems I can't add my own signature.
    am I doing something wrong? Or am I not able to add my own signature?

    ~~Gellthir Laingwador
    Last edited by GellthirLaingwador; Oct 17 2012 at 08:39 AM. Reason: subscription
    Played on Laurelin for 9 years, just started over on Ithil =D
    ~Gelltheir Laingwador of House Laingwador

  2. #2
    Koroeth's Avatar
    Koroeth is offline Hero Of the Small Folk 2013
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    Jun 2011
    Good question, would like to know that too. Adding my own forum signature would be amazing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    I tried a few codes but my signature only shows the Code, example:


    without the *** ofcoure.

    ~~Gellthir Laingwador
    Played on Laurelin for 9 years, just started over on Ithil =D
    ~Gelltheir Laingwador of House Laingwador

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Some times signatures can be problematic. If you have ever been on a forum with no sig-regs you've seen what I mean.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    There is a way as I've seen a few customer made ones.

    One with a warg being blown up even XD

    I really don't know HOW it's done however :/
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorebane View Post
    There is a way as I've seen a few customer made ones.

    One with a warg being blown up even XD

    I really don't know HOW it's done however :/
    It would be so cool to add a signature where my champion slashes a orc or something in 1000 pieces. with my name ofc =D
    Played on Laurelin for 9 years, just started over on Ithil =D
    ~Gelltheir Laingwador of House Laingwador

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    The signature system is hard coded to only accept images stored on the designed Turbine servers. You want a custom image in your signature. It has created outside of the forum signature mechanism. Every time you create a post, you have to append your private signature to the end of the post as regular text.
    Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yula_the_Mighty View Post
    The signature system is hard coded to only accept images stored on the designed Turbine servers. You want a custom image in your signature. It has created outside of the forum signature mechanism. Every time you create a post, you have to append your private signature to the end of the post as regular text.
    Doing so I imagine might draw the wrath of the Moderation team. They keep trimming the size of what we're allowed to do in the signature space. I doubt they'd like us using images in every post where users can't toggle them off for bandwith/load time purposes like we can for signatures.
    Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crell_1 View Post
    Doing so I imagine might draw the wrath of the Moderation team. They keep trimming the size of what we're allowed to do in the signature space. I doubt they'd like us using images in every post where users can't toggle them off for bandwith/load time purposes like we can for signatures.
    There are people who do it this way. Have you seen the Henny Penny signature with the level 1 chicken?

    It is not very common that I know of. If it becomes more common. Starts degrading forum performance. I suspect you are right. The moderators will start tapping people with their batons. Stop it.
    Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yula_the_Mighty View Post
    There are people who do it this way. Have you seen the Henny Penny signature with the level 1 chicken?
    I can't bob and weave my way out of that one. I'd never noticed that it wasn't in the signature space before because it had the right dimensions, and didn't impede my personal performance.

    I'd also thought it might be some kind of promotional signature that we couldnt readily acquire anymore. Chicken play has never been my strong suit.

    I think at one time we were able to put our own images in the signature space. If they were reasonable the team didn't seem to show concern (judging by the length of time and number of posts I've seen the customized signatures in.) The change suggests its something they want to phase out.
    Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
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  11. #11
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    Do you think it will be a problem if would add my own signature at the end of my post every time, like henny penny?
    Played on Laurelin for 9 years, just started over on Ithil =D
    ~Gelltheir Laingwador of House Laingwador

  12. #12
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by GellthirLaingwador View Post
    Do you think it will be a problem if would add my own signature at the end of my post every time, like henny penny?
    I don't know about anyone else, and I don't know how much flack I'll get for saying this, but I have signatures turned off - they disrupt the flow of conversation. I also have put people on ignore who put their signatures in their posts, getting around the 'turned off signatures' thing.

    Now, you don't know me from Adam, so you may not care that I might ignore you. That's cool. I'm just stating what one forum-goer might do if you did that

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by GellthirLaingwador View Post
    Do you think it will be a problem if would add my own signature at the end of my post every time, like henny penny?
    As a regular forum member, I do not make the rules. Have nothing to do with enforcement. I do not have a opinion. You want an answer. Send a private message to one of moderators like Sapience. The moderators are the folks that determine what is allowed and not allowed.

    Or you could take your chances. Create an use a private signature like the Henny Penny signature.
    Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crell_1 View Post
    Doing so I imagine might draw the wrath of the Moderation team. They keep trimming the size of what we're allowed to do in the signature space. I doubt they'd like us using images in every post where users can't toggle them off for bandwith/load time purposes like we can for signatures.
    It really annoys me sometimes to see people with up to 5-6 lines or more in their signatures (plus the generic Turbine character banner) and I can only just barely get 2 lines. :/

    I recreated my own signature so that it shows the correct craft skills and whatnot and really wish I could use it instead of these outdated ones.
    R5 105 GRD Marevayave - Leader of Riddermarked For Death
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  15. #15
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yula_the_Mighty View Post
    There are people who do it this way. Have you seen the Henny Penny signature with the level 1 chicken?

    It is not very common that I know of. If it becomes more common. Starts degrading forum performance. I suspect you are right. The moderators will start tapping people with their batons. Stop it.
    And when we see those posts we removed the spam image and inform the poster that the signature space is for signatures. Pasting in an image each time is considered spam.

    Quote Originally Posted by GellthirLaingwador View Post
    Do you think it will be a problem if would add my own signature at the end of my post every time, like henny penny?
    It would be seen as spam and addressed accordingly.

    The signature space is the only place a sig of any kind is permitted. We only permit the use of our signatures (mainly because too many people choose to use inappropriate images). This also allows other posters to choose to disable signatures and reduce their bandwidth needs when viewing the forums.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Will the broken parts of the signatures [data feed] ever be fixed [see: crafting being broken for over a year]?
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    And when we see those posts we removed the spam image and inform the poster that the signature space is for signatures. Pasting in an image each time is considered spam.

    It would be seen as spam and addressed accordingly.

    The signature space is the only place a sig of any kind is permitted. We only permit the use of our signatures (mainly because too many people choose to use inappropriate images). This also allows other posters to choose to disable signatures and reduce their bandwidth needs when viewing the forums.
    Ditto Nakiami. I would really like to see my signature at least be up to date with the crafting stuff.
    R5 105 GRD Marevayave - Leader of Riddermarked For Death
    R8 115 MNS Fayah/115 LM Siennah/115 HNT Dinenol/115 RK Dhurik
    115 CHN Alachas/85 CPT Dinfaerien/61 BUR Dhax/115 WDN Godoric
    R9 115 MNS Fayeh (alt Wilya) - Lonely Mountain Band @ Landroval

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberto_the_First View Post
    Now, you don't know me from Adam, so you may not care that I might ignore you. That's cool. I'm just stating what one forum-goer might do if you did that
    I do care! That is why I asked in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    And when we see those posts we removed the spam image and inform the poster that the signature space is for signatures. Pasting in an image each time is considered spam.

    It would be seen as spam and addressed accordingly.

    The signature space is the only place a sig of any kind is permitted. We only permit the use of our signatures (mainly because too many people choose to use inappropriate images). This also allows other posters to choose to disable signatures and reduce their bandwidth needs when viewing the forums.
    Oke, so no self made signature for me then =)

    I only wanted a self made signature becouse I can't stand it that I cant put my own character's face in the allowed signatures.
    Played on Laurelin for 9 years, just started over on Ithil =D
    ~Gelltheir Laingwador of House Laingwador

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    There are a couple of posters I've seen that copy and paste a signature into the post body after every post.

    So as long as you're not pasting in an offensive image link, that's an option.....

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almagnus1 View Post
    There are a couple of posters I've seen that copy and paste a signature into the post body after every post.

    So as long as you're not pasting in an offensive image link, that's an option.....
    No. It isn't. It's spam, and it violates the wishes of the Community Team.

    Read +Sapience's post above.
    Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    We only permit the use of our signatures (mainly because too many people choose to use inappropriate images). This also allows other posters to choose to disable signatures and reduce their bandwidth needs when viewing the forums.
    So here's a suggestion. How about fixing your provided signatures since those are the only ones you allow? Tier 8 crafting is out now and sigs are still stuck back at tier 6. Restricting to something that has been broken for a year isn't the way you should be going.

    You also could allow personal signatures (within established guidelines). The option exists to allow other posters to choose to disable the entire signature block, not just the graphics.
    Last edited by Thoroval; Oct 17 2012 at 11:46 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Nakiami View Post
    Will the broken parts of the signatures [data feed] ever be fixed [see: crafting being broken for over a year]?

    QFT, seriously since RoI the level and crafting tiers have both had caps raised but only the increased level is displaying (true again with RoR). If we are limited to these as out .sig image then they should accurately reflect our character.
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