All of the sudden I'm impressed by Turbine. They finally have a lottery, unfortunately it's just for lvl 85's...
All of the sudden I'm impressed by Turbine. They finally have a lottery, unfortunately it's just for lvl 85's...
80s can enter it.
Unless stated otherwise, all content in this post is My Personal Opinion.
Usually there are more lotteries. the lotteries have been acting up and we have not had any in awhile. Hopely this is a sign that sapience is on the right track to fixing them
99 little bugs in the code
99 little bugs
take one down and patch it around
124 little bugs in the code
Another coming later today for level 20-85.
Assuming things don't go sideways between now and tomorrow, there should be a veritable cornucopia of lotteries this weekend. *crosses fingers*
Lottery of the Well Booted
Ended 02/04/2013 01:00PM EST
Dotili Lvl 66 Minstrel, Meneldor
Dotlas Lvl 57 Rune-keeper, Meneldor
Dotlo Lvl 57 Guardian, Meneldor
Dotriel Lvl 65 Captain, Meneldor
Dottiel Lvl 75 Lore-master, Meneldor
Melodial Lvl 36 Minstrel, Meneldor
Dotgrim Lvl 75 Burglar, Meneldor
Anyone want to buy some boots?
I've see the level delay before. Good to know there's some coming!
Last edited by Dotlbeme; Feb 21 2013 at 01:54 PM.
Kinships: Fifth Star Vagabonds on Crickhollow (Dotswith); Random Access on Arkenstone (Dottiel)
Here's to cornucopias !!!
Ahhh, Hytbold tokens... Amusingly enough, the day after I finish rebuilding the old place. Still, I haven't picked up my armour yet so its not actually annoying.
... Unless of course its like last time they gave the tokens away and no-one got any.
If only the page actually displayed for me. Still seeing just a blank white page.
The Hytbold token lottery didn't work last time. Let's hope it works this time.
A spaceship from another star / They ask me where all the people are
I tell them I'm the only one / There was a war, but I must have won
Hytbold Tokens.
My main has built everything there, bought all of the set, and still 700+ left. And I enter him for some more. I must be crazy.
Greetings, Polymachos
The tokens weren't delivered [to some people?].
A spaceship from another star / They ask me where all the people are
I tell them I'm the only one / There was a war, but I must have won
The problem with the Tokens of Hytbold is that the item definition in the lottery is x125, but they only stack to 100. I'm pretty sure that is why nothing was sent the last time they were included. (It probably errors out when the mail is being generated.)
I'm worried that the same thing will happen since they are still at x125, though I'm very happy to see the lottos may be up and running again soon![]()
Last edited by Fipiara; Feb 21 2013 at 04:22 PM.
[u][url=""]Sauron vs. Tom Bombadil[/url][/u][COLOR="Red"] [/color][COLOR="Orange"] A fun what-if video I hope brings a smile[/color][COLOR="Red"][/color]
Hip, Hip, Hooray for the Lotteries!
TY Sapience
"Never argue with a fool, it's difficult to tell the difference"
Someone[you?] mentioned the Hytbold tokens weren't suppose to be in the lottery and yes no one that won it got them
the lottery of the Hybolt on december 24th that ended at 3:00 pm. none of the winners got their winnings. Says My charecter Gentatsu won the lottery. I made post about it, i even /bugged it. I logged in every day so i know i didnt miss it. And the hybolt lottery was never held before so i know that wasnt why it bugged out.
I agree with what others say. it was the 125 stack that bugged it. Either the lottery system or the mail system couldnt figure out how to send the the 125 tokens. since stack sizes are stacks of 100. Since the current lottery has the same 125 stacks it might and probably will bug out again unless some coding is done to prevent it and help it break down into 2 stacks.
Tried pointing this out periodically. even sent you a pm about it. but alas, guess we players dont know what were talking about or its assumed were lying.
yeah i know, no one said anything like that. But no one at turbine said the opposite either.
Winings recieved for this lottery: NOTHING, no one on the list got their winnings. it was never mailed.Lottery of the Hytbold Tokens
Ended 12/24/2012 03:00PM EST
Gentatsu Lvl 85 Hunter, Meneldor
NOTE: Lotteries are not officially supported by turbine.
If any of my toons win the hybolt lottery this time. and do not receive Ill /bug, post here and send you a pm. like i did last time also.
p.s. not really worried about gentatsu winning the hybolt or the lost winnings from the 24th as I have hybolt all rebuilt and the hybolt armor by now. was just tryin to get yas to understand their was an issue with that particular lottery.
Last edited by Gagmuk; Feb 21 2013 at 08:25 PM.
***Public Safety Reminder: When Driving, Please do not use your cell phones to call or text. If something is that important pull over to the side of the road and stop the vehicle, then return to driving when done. Also as an additional reminder, please do not drink and drive when out celebrating.***
We thanks for the return of the lotteries....well tentative. All my characters were entered.
Again thanks for your work. I too have my fingers crossed.
Add my thanks for the Lottery return.
And Sapience, the Pocket Change Lottery has all my characters, across all the servers, properly updated. This is a first! Congrats on hunting down bugs while you have 1000000 other things going on.
Thalia, for Reacher
Bubbie, for posterity
Glyndis, because I needed an elf
So I took a look at this and found the issue. The lottery was awarding a stack of 125. Maximum stack size in game is listed as 100. So when the lottery tried to build a stack of 125 it could not. it exceeded the max stack size and the lottery system isn't smart enough to break it up. So it just discarded the whole thing.
That's why nothing was awarded. I've changed the value in the lottery and I'm currently waiting to see if it fixed things. If it has, i'll create new Hytbolt token lotteries for the weekend. Unfortunately I cannot dig out past winnings and award them, so we'll have to move forward from here.