I dont know what it is with people at Turbine but they must have there own timezone....
On the Annoucement message in game it states that game goes down at 0700 ( -5 GMT )
In the forums message it says that the game goes down at 0700 ( -4 GMT )
Can i say that in the UK at moment we are currently in GMT and that 0700 Eastern time means the servers go down at 12:00pm...
Someone somewhere there needs to learn about timezones.
The -4 GMT only happens for a period of like 2 weeks before the US then put there clocks forward too, but this is called Daylight Saving Time otherwise known as BST.....
Why not just change the message entirely and just say that the servers will be going down at 07:00 US Eastern time so people can easy just work out what time it is themselves even after the timezone change in the summer.
BTW if you are stating that servers go down 0700 take em down at 0700 not 0600 Eastern US time the the only way it can be a different time is if you have put clocks forward
Just read that Daylight Saving started on the 10th March in the States so they are 4 hours behind GMT at moment, at least until the end of the month when UK goes to BST too and it reverts to the 5 horus
But it still dont excuse the fact that in game it was showing that it was -5 hours GMT
I also find it a bit confusing sometimes, yesterday I thought -4gmt, and today it said -5gmt.
I find using /servertime quite helpful as it tells exactly the server time, although it would be nice if they just put "Servers will be down in 1 hour/30minutes/15mins/etc etc"
Maybe Im just too lazy for /servertime I must work on that haha. Im not even sure what timezones are doing worldwide half the time.
World time is something I keep track of. It is mostly out of the need to, but something I do near flawlessly. And -4 GMT does exist. British Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic, and so on use it. When I think -4, I think warm weather and good vacation, not the foot of snow fallen in the past few days where I live. It is hard to do at times so I can see how people can get messed up. You must remember that even though you put a company name on it, humans still work it. We are all prone to errors and people always forget that. Humans are humans. There has never been and never will be a perfect one.
Just read that Daylight Saving started on the 10th March in the States so they are 4 hours behind GMT at moment, at least until the end of the month when UK goes to BST too and it reverts to the 5 horus
But it still dont excuse the fact that in game it was showing that it was -5 hours GMT
Nope, they will still be -4 GMT, GMT does not turn into BST it is always GMT and stays constant which is why it is used as a baseline for time zones. Once we move to BST then they will still be -4 GMT but will also be -5 BST.
As to excusing etc, it was a typo, typo's happen. You forgot the apostrophe in "don't" but nobody is going to rag on that, so why worry about Turbines typo?
Nope, they will still be -4 GMT, GMT does not turn into BST it is always GMT and stays constant which is why it is used as a baseline for time zones. Once we move to BST then they will still be -4 GMT but will also be -5 BST.
As to excusing etc, it was a typo, typo's happen. You forgot the apostrophe in "don't" but nobody is going to rag on that, so why worry about Turbines typo?
Well to be fair, they ARE supposed to be a little bit professional, and look Ive not got that much negative stuff to say about that but really someone should be watching out for errors like that. I dont really care but it confuses people and why the need for it? Just get it right first time.
I'll bring this to the attention of the in game staff. We use standardized messages for things like this in game and in our forums and othe messaging so it's possible that whoever was responsible for the in game messaging simply forgot to adjust for the time change.