you need to have a better SUBJECT than :
I had some pretty valid points and would like a response.
you need to have a better SUBJECT than :
I had some pretty valid points and would like a response.
"....and Truth is a relative value directly attached to the design of that which perceives it...".
Check my sig. And it's wrong, currently there are 322 PMs in my in box. All will be read. Most will get a response.
And yes, descriptive titles help.
As to your specific PM, I've answered it several times including when I first mentioned today's hotfix. We do not have a fix for Flight to the Lonely Mountain and we don't, at the moment, have an ETA. As soon as that changes I'll make sure everyone knows.
Sorry for the impatience...just on my second cup of coffee. Thanks for your response and I know how PMs can build up on ya!
"....and Truth is a relative value directly attached to the design of that which perceives it...".
Ok Sapience I got ya cornered... LOL Please can you tell us when we are going to get any info on when Spring festival is coming???
well Glorfindel777 your other thread about who to email for banned accounts, me just replying to that and giving an honest experience of my customer support got me 2 warnings, so I think a certain community manager wants me silenced for speaking the truth. Oppression at its finest.
Thank you all for your comments-I respect them all. I will let his RL friends know what to do as per Sapience's advice to call instead of merely email.
Have you heard the one about the Rabbi and the mule?
Well have you?
Neither have I!
"....and Truth is a relative value directly attached to the design of that which perceives it...".
Funnily enough they weren't really opinion based or insults, it was factual information gained through experiences. Just because you don't like to hear something doesn't mean its not true
No, they were just down right, plain, unadorned insults. I never said they were true or false, i merely meant that your tone and vocabulary used was offensive and rude and deserved of a warning.
Whether it is true or not is simply bad form to say.they don't have a shred of decency or human empathy or initiative
Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon