Originally Posted by
I can't agree with you.
This clearly true:"Numerous bugs exist in the game, they are reported, and nothing ever happens. New buggy content is just cranked out continually adding to the problem. Some of these bugs have been present ever since Beta, but they are never fixed."
He is not saying bugs are never fixed; he is saying for some bugs you report them and nothing ever happens to them.
We know bugs have been here since beta. We know bugs get reported in Bullroarer and not fixed. We know new content has bugs also.
And this first sentence is his opinion - nothing against the Forums rules here:
OP said:
"It has become obvious to me that the current Dev team does not care about quality whatsoever. If your current programmers cannot fix them, why not find and hire new ones which can?"
And isn't he right - or at least can argue - that the current team cannot fix some bugs (the memory leak, for example). Many players have also said they are not happy with the quality of the content released - he is not alone.
It is easy to dismiss this, but when you read his whole post it is well written and respectful. He prefaces what you quoted by saying it is just his opinion.