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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Threatened with GM action for refusing to fix prices.

    Hi, I play as Taigon on the Silverlode server. A couple of months ago I received a letter in the mail -- in game that is -- from another weaponsmith. I have redacted his name after receiving a major infraction for including it earlier in a deleted thread, which I would take serious issue with but that's another matter. Anyway, he complained that I had been selling my weapons at too low a price, and he wanted me to collude with him on a price-fixing scheme. Now, I get that it's good to make some money. I once sold a teal level 20 sword for 6 gold, which about doubled my savings. That was a great moment, amazing, so gratifying especially when a kinmate had just said that crafting exceptional weapons was unprofitable and pointless.

    But when you've been trying to sell a weapon for days or weeks and there are no buyers, it's time to considering lowering them, moving some product. I can farm some more ore easily enough, you know? But this guy just did not understand that concept, he rigidly kept a 4.99g buyout and 4.9 starting bid on all this teal weapons. Anyway I refused to collude with him on such an unethical (and ineffective) scheme, and he then threatened to contact a GM. I mean, am I wrong here, or is this guy a complete scumbag? What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    He´s a scumbag for threatening with GM complaints.

    On the prices, you are of course within your rights. You can give all your things away for free, its your time and your materials. Especially in the low level regions we have the problems of two price levels; one is what seasoned plyers can pay for gear for their alts; the other thing is what a newbie can pay.


    One can treat the AH as a game within a game. There is nothing conceptually wrong with sellers organizing themselves. You didnt state your own prices, and while 5g for level 20 weapons or something is certainly too high, you could consider upgrading your prices a bit for the sake of "the business". Live and let live. Its all toy money after all.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    yyeahhh ...no

    Even if he does report you to a GM... I don't think a GM would find anything wrong. There is nothing in this game that can force you to price fix with another player. It seems like he is just mad for losing sales to you. Just ignore him.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Purrsona View Post
    Even if he does report you to a GM... I don't think a GM would find anything wrong. There is nothing in this game that can force you to price fix with another player. It seems like he is just mad for losing sales to you. Just ignore him.
    ^^this. There is nothing against undercutting someone on the AH. I've done it to move items myself quickly that I have no use for, and I've seen others do it for the same reason.

    Frankly, if he doesn't like it that much, he can buy up your items and reprice them - which is also done routinely.

  5. #5
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Aug 2008
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