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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Turbin in Decline

    well im not going to shut up because some moderator didnt like the fact people are complaining about the lack of content and how the game has gone down hill since it was bought by WB, we the ppl that pay have an opinion that need to be listened to, we want changes to the game, we dont want to be forced else where but the way the game is going that whats happening.

    Look what ppl are saying in the forums, cant you see already your reputation in the mmo gaming community is at an all time low, even if you listen to an issue and implement a fix it take you three months to do it, what a joke !!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Stop, you're asking too much of them. We need to let them get back to designing more and more mounts and hatching up new ways to take our money on the store.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Preach lol! Dont let "the man" hold us down!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Blindy's right. Why should we be quite.

    Creating a thread with multiple violations of the community guidelines is not a very good way to get your point across. Closed.

    Don't give me that bull&&&&. There's no way we can get your attention without u closing threads. Worthless moderators and &&&&ty developers. We should give you all the &&&& back from these past 6 years rather than shutting up.
    Last edited by Breguilas; Apr 17 2013 at 08:33 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    You and every other consumer has one mechanism that can affect change and thats your consumption. Unless youre willing to go the whole distance, IE shelf the game and not pay anymore then yeah, shut the hell up.

  6. Apr 17 2013, 08:37 PM

  7. Apr 17 2013, 08:46 PM

  8. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again.

  9. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    So, this is what it's like on the PvMP boards. huh? Fascinating...
    -[B]Fence Sitter of Eriador[/B]-
    "[I]All the things I really like to do are either immoral, illegal or fattening.[/I]" - Alexander Woollcott

  10. Apr 17 2013, 09:30 PM

  11. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I simply dont pay for this game nor play it anymore; I dont QQ about the situation, I bring up simple facts to others to show what this company has done in 6 years for pvp: sadly very little. Like the occurrence that just happened with the forum closing, that epitomizes their attitude towards pvpers and it's hilarious how right we are/were about them.

  12. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    If you guys don't like it why are you still here?

  13. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Perhaps you should stop calling moderators/WB/Turbine out and try to get their attention in a decent way. This is just another thread that will end up closed if you continue like this. I wonder how come you don't see that.

  14. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    As I have said many times to Turbine on facebook ( they blocked me now) and twitter

    Poor Performance Turbine

  15. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Does this post have something to do with the change of power in the moors ?

    Oh and i made up my mind i find the Irony funny.

    I shouldn't waste my breath(uh fingers?) but anyways.
    Before you feel the need to post, insulting other people, abrasive behaviour,being dismissive, stating baseless "facts" and all other kinds of thing will usually net you a reaction in kind and completely invalidate your point.

    And Thorgrums is right the best way to get your voice heard by a company is to withdraw funding and hope alot of people agree with you and do the same so it makes a dent into their revenues, while reasonable letting them know why you made the choice you did.

  16. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Those of you who believe that Turbine are not underfunded, incompetent, or understaffed, must never have played a good game with good developers.

  17. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MedullaAbShlonggata View Post
    I simply dont pay for this game nor play it anymore; I dont QQ about the situation, I bring up simple facts to others to show what this company has done in 6 years for pvp: sadly very little. Like the occurrence that just happened with the forum closing, that epitomizes their attitude towards pvpers and it's hilarious how right we are/were about them.
    May it be because it is not a PVP game????
    LOTRO Gladden server
    Jordor/Minstrel Lorael/Hunter Zelphinath/Warden

  18. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by musegypsy View Post
    May it be because it is not a PVP game????
    People need to quit this rhetoric. If PVP was not part of this game then it should not be IN this game and Turbine should certainly not have PVP items available for real money on their store.

  19. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by musegypsy View Post
    May it be because it is not a PVP game????
    Incorrect - it is a MMO game with both PvE and PvP content. The PvP content is limited because the devs wont honour their past promises to expand it, such as when they said they would add a new PvP map (region) 2 years ago. This is part of the reason why many people who PvP are unhappy with the state of PvP in this game and why many PvPers have left this game for others, thus depriving Turbine of income. Many PvPers - especially those who play freepside - spend a lot in the store on buffs that are used in PvP.

    This reduction in PvPers, leading to a reduction in income for Turbine, has a knock-on effect on the game in general. Look at the fact that Turbine has laid off staff in the past few months. Look at the fact that when Enedwaith was released, it came with a great instance pack - 'In Their Absence' - but when the next stand alone region, Great River was released, it had only 1 six person instance with it - Roots of Fangorn. And the next region due for release in 2 months or so isn't going to have any instance content released with it.

    Obviously Turbine being 'in decline' isn't just due to lack of PvP content and PvPers leaving the game, but for many people at level cap, especially those in raiding kins, PvP is very much part of the end game. Thus poor PvP combined with a lack of good new instances is driving away many people who have supported and spent money on this game for years.

    I notice that you have been in this game for a long time, but don't appear to participate in the PvP side. That is obviously your choice, but if you are happy killing 10 boars over and over again once every year when a new expansion is released, then good for you. I have higher expectations of a game set in ME than this, and will be taking my money to Elder Scrolls Online when that is released if LoTRO doesn't improve soon.

  20. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus_T_Fyrfly View Post
    So, this is what it's like on the PvMP boards. huh? Fascinating...
    Unfortunately, yes. Though it's not without cause from effect. Interesting read that pertains to the pvmp community's frustrations I found two quotes in particular from http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...bles..../page2

    Quote Originally Posted by Anavalar View Post
    There has been speculation bordering on assumption by many bloggers and forumers that Warner acquired Turbine because of their interest in producing other Tolkien themed game products. This seems unlikely as Warner already had certain licensing already and it's unlikely that Turbine's licenses were transferable even to other ventures within the Warner "family".

    I can't remember the source to provide a link but I had read an article that specifically cited TECHNOLOGY acquisition not license acquisition as the driving force behind the WB / Turbine deal. As low tech as Turbine appears to those familiar with more robust, forward looking, minimal bug, client/server efficient MMO coding one might speculate on how appealing Turbine Points as a virtual currency looks to a company that has no existing technology for a secure virtual/real world economic exchange.

    Itunes digital gift certificates, used to purchase upgrades and expansions on all iphone/ipad games have been counterfeited. If you can crack Apple then a secure digital exchange looks pretty valuable and sophisticated. Mochi coins and Second Life in-game cash both handled by an enormous user base and representing a digital currency that has an established real world value have been mentioned in hacker spam promising to give you many times the value on your dollar for a currency swap then offered by a legit transaction. As much gold farming as the game suffered, I never saw this kinda shadiness for TP.

    Betcha Turbine was bought for the TP.
    Quote Originally Posted by whheydt View Post
    Can you imagine the TP bonus on the size of the purchase price to get enough to do the deal?

    (Before people start accusing me of misreading what the quoted poster said, be sure to carefully read what I said.)

    --W. H. Heydt

    Old Used Programmer
    The way I am understanding it is creeps will be considered after freeps. The reference to the above quotes is to consider it as a calculated decision in maximizing profits no matter the effect on the products quality. Now to give the turbine staff credit they are currently remaking freepside and as such the community should take this into consideration as a step in the right direction by first getting rid of freep classes that can do everything at one time. The next step would be addressing population balances to provide consistent faction balance as a means in moving foreward.

  21. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Lack of content? I think you might be playing a different game.

    I'm the WORST warg on DD

  22. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by musegypsy View Post
    May it be because it is not a PVP game????
    Then why does it have a PvP Map and a PvP section in the forums?

    I love when when PvEr's come to the PvP forums and make comments like this.
    I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again.

  23. #20
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Giliodor View Post
    Perhaps you should stop calling moderators/WB/Turbine out and try to get their attention in a decent way. This is just another thread that will end up closed if you continue like this. I wonder how come you don't see that.
    Fantastic idea. Especially as the OP has now twice created a thread with multiple violations of the community guidelines. His inaccurate claims aside.



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